Chapter 12

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"Well...good evening, ma'am," the gang leader greeted. His voice was deep but not threatening, and his dark eyes held an oddly friendly gaze. He eyed her satchel for a moment; "You got something of mine in that satchel o' yours," he commented.

Helen didn't move, her rifle still aimed at his head. "Yes...I do." The gang leader smiled when she spoke, and shockingly he lowered his revolvers. "Why not share it instead of taking it?" he told her. 

Helen furrowed her brows in confusion, but she didn't lower her gun. "Are you mad? I could shoot you right now and make off with your money before anyone sees me," she scoffed in bewilderment. 

He merely chuckled at her, standing tall; "I'm sure you'd make a grand escape, but I must say you'd be missing out on a very...prosperous opportunity." Helen remained silent as she registered the man's words, her eyes flickering around cautiously.

She eyed the medicine wagon closely, seeing the numerous tonics and alcohol bottles. She gazed at the food wagon and the racks of meat that hung next to it. They seem...pretty well off. Helen met the leader's gaze, her rifle slowly lowering reluctantly. 

"What 'prosperous' opportunity?" He grinned triumphantly, his hands landing on his hips as he eyed her up. "You seem like a very capable woman - clearly. And we are very capable men! Men who strive to live in a free world, away from the law and the complications of civilization. Out here we live a life of freedom and independence - we lead our own lives!"

Helen listened closely, her eyes narrowed as she thought over her options. "I've done perfectly well on my own, what would I gain from joining a group?" she asked, arching a brow.

"Outlaws should stick together." She scoffed, chuckling humourlessly; "What makes you think I'm an outlaw? Maybe I'm just a poor damsel in desperate need of money?" she countered.

The gang leader smirked at her, gesturing to her bandana. "You wouldn't feel the need to hide your identity if you were." Helen found herself awkwardly relaxing at the light bantering, and she raised her chin defiantly. "Well I wouldn't want you to track me down when I leave." 

The gang leader looked beyond impressed at Helen's comebacks, and he nodded to himself. "You're a clever one, aren't you? Used to devising plans and talking your way out of a situation?"

She gripped her rifle as she glanced around cautiously, but no one else was aware of the encounter. "I get it from my father." The gang leader held Helen's sharp gaze evenly, and he lifted his head proudly. "What do you say, miss? Be a part of the vision for our new world," he asked her. 

Helen let out a sigh, taking her rifle and hanging it on her shoulder, and she noted the leader's excitement. "This better be one hell of a prosperous opportunity."

He clapped his hands together once, and the bushes suddenly rustled behind her. Another outlaw stepped out, his own rifle in hand as he gave her an intimidating stare. Helen merely chuckled at the two men in amusement. 


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