Chapter 42

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Helen stood next to her father as the gang celebrated Jack's return. Javier sat with his guitar next to the fire, singing in Spanish and urging the others to sing along. Hosea had his arm around Helen's shoulders as they drank their beer. "Havin' fun, sweetheart?" he asked her.

"Hell yah! I never thought I'd miss the little squirt so much!" she said, lifting her bottle to Abigail and John before taking a swig. Hosea laughed, leaning close to his daughter's ear. "You best give me some grandchildren 'fore I die, give that squirt some friends," he teased.

Helen scoffed and slapped her father's arm; "Then you best live forever!" Lenny and Susan, who were within earshot, couldn't help but chuckle at the interaction. Hosea stepped back with Helen, discreetly gesturing to the table where Charles sat alone. "Go keep him company, darlin'."

Helen blushed shyly but ignored the chuckles and walked to the table. Charles looked up when she sat down next to him, and he shifted closer to her. "What are you doin' here, all by your lonesome?" she asked, taking a sip. Charles just shrugged, holding his own beer bottle.

"Uh...I'm not really a fan of parties," he said shyly. Helen smiled, leaning on his shoulder as she drank again. "Don't worry, Charlie, get yourself a close friend or two and that's all the fun you need," she told him with a giggle.

He chuckled, his arm going around her waist to keep her steady. "I've never really talked to anyone here besides you - so I guess all I really need is you." Helen's eyes widened in surprise, and the same look of shock crossed his face.

"I-I mean...cause y-you're a good friend to me," he said quickly, clearing his throat. He actually stuttered. Helen pursed her lips, turning to look around as she moved away from Charles.

"Yah...of course we're friends," she said somewhat sternly. She finished the rest of her beer in one shot, slamming the bottle down a little too hard. "I'm turnin' in - 'night," she muttered simply. Helen stumbled away towards her shared tent and ignored Sadie's burning stare.

Of course, we're friends. She collapsed in bed angrily, trying to keep the tears at bay. I don't know why I thought we could be more...idiot. Helen didn't react when footsteps approached her tent, or when the flap was opened. "Helen?" Sadie called gently.

Helen didn't reply in hopes she would leave on her own accord. "Is everything okay?" she asked. Clearly she won't. "Drank too much, I have a headache," Helen muttered, shifting away from Sadie. She took a hesitant step forward into the tent, not letting up.

"You sure?" she continued. "I'm fine, Sadie!" It took Helen snapping for the blonde to understand, and she left without another word.

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