Chapter 65

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"Are you okay, my love?" Charles asked, kissing the top of her head. Helen, Charles and Arthur stood outside Rains Fall's tent once they delivered him a dying Eagle Flies.

"Yah, I'm okay. Those herbs they gave me kind of numbed the pain a little," she mumbled, leaning into Charles. They then heard Rains Fall let out a pained cry, and the Natives bowed their heads.

"What are they gonna do now?" Arthur asked quietly. Charles stiffened lightly; "They must move...and fast," he replied. He glanced down at Helen sadly, saying, "I'll stay and help them."

Helen took a step back from him as Arthur said, "I'll stay, too." He's really leaving. "No, my have others who need you. Good people." Charles went to hug Arthur while Helen turned away, her eyes shutting.

Only when Arthur left did Helen finally speak. "I can't go with you," she said softly. He gave her a pleading look, holding her gently; "My love, please, you have to understand - " She cut him off with a shake of her head, and she cupped his cheek.

"No, Charlie, I know these people need help. But...I'm in no condition to travel, I would only slow you down," she explained. Charles' pleading look turned to one of sorrow, and he pulled her closer.

She placed her hand on his cheek, feeling her eyes well up with tears. "I would follow you anywhere, Charlie, but you can't be distracted with worrying about me. The tribe has to be your main concern," she told him.

Something suddenly landed on her cheek, and she looked up at Charles. Tears...? Helen gently wiped Charles' tears, biting her lip lightly. "Please don't'll be okay. I...I promise I'll find you after all this. But...I need time for this to heal - "

Helen was cut off when Charles suddenly kissed her, but she didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Something was then slipped around her neck, having her look down. "Take it, my remember me," he whispered, fiddling with the necklace he gave her.

Helen looked up at him, then quickly kissed him again. "I love you, Charles. I'll find you...I swear it." Without another word, she turned away and hurried for her horse, leaping into the saddle.

"I love you, Helen!" Charles called as she sprinted away. The tears fell freely as she spurred her horse on, racing for camp. She ignored the odd looks she received from the others and stormed over to her tent.

Helen leaned over a barrel, gritting her teeth as her tears continued to spill. "Helen?" She snapped her gaze over to Arthur, who had peaked into the tent. His eyes fell to her abdomen and he frowned; "Shit, your bandages. I'll get Grimshaw."

Arthur left quickly, leaving Helen to silently glare at the ground.


I'M SORRY DON'T HATE ME, this hurt so much to write cause I really didn't wanna "break" them up, BUT I PROMISE THIS WON'T END TRAGICALLY

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