Chapter 35

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"Uncle, you idiotic old man!" Helen shrieked, shooting at their pursuers. "Hey, I didn't know it was one of Cornwall's wagons!" Of all people he had us rob, it had to be Leviticus Cornwall.

The five outlaws raced through the field while avoiding the gunfire, but only Helen was shooting back. She allowed her horse to take the lead while she twisted around and gunned down the pursuers with her rifle.

"I can't kill 'em all myself, gentlemen! What are we doin' here?!" she called, facing the path again. Charles glanced back at Helen in concern; "Keep going, we're losing them! Everyone stay tight!" he called, spurring his horse.

"Get off the trail! Into the woods! Let's stake them and get back to camp!" Bill told them, veering off the path. Helen spurred her horse, praising her as she caught up to Charles.

"No! We need to find a place to lie low!" Arthur called from the back of the group. The outlaws slowed when they reached a farmhouse and an empty barn. "Let-let's hide in there!" Uncle decided, coming to a halt. Helen leapt off her horse, shooing it off before rushing for the barn.

She leapt through the open window and hit the ground, her gun up and ready. "We'll stay until dark, and then we'll sneak outta here," Arthur explained. Oh, even better, hiding in an empty barn with a bunch of men! Well...and Charles.

"Helen, Charles, you two keep watch for now while we, uh...get some rest."


"I guess this is a bit more...excitin' than fishin', huh?" Helen whispered. She glanced back at Arthur, Bill and Uncle, making sure they were asleep. Charles chuckled quietly from where he was leaning on the wall. "Well, it would beat being holed up in some barn," he replied honestly.

Helen couldn't help but blush, thankful that it had become dark in the barn. "Think we'll be here any longer?" she asked, nervously changing the subject. Charles glanced outside, looking around; "We seem to be in the clear, we should wake them soon," he suggested.

Helen tilted her head in curiosity, her arms crossing over her chest. "Why not now, if we're good to go?" she asked. Charles smiled shyly at her, nervously fixing his hair - Helen never imagined he would be nervous about anything.

"Well, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet...a-and the company." Helen's blush deepened, but before she could say anything, both outlaws jumped in fright when Arthur suddenly spoke.

"Alright, let's try and get outta here," he muttered gruffly, sounding irritated. How long had he been awake?

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