Chapter 45

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"What the hell was that, Ms. Matthews?! You could have been - !" Dutch was saying, but he stopped mid-sentence. Helen rode back into camp, pulling her horse over and stepping down.

From her face to her knees, she was covered in blood, but she ignored her gang's shocked looks. She stormed over to Kieran's body, kneeling down and throwing his body over her shoulder.

She carefully picked up his head, too, before her eyes settled on a sobbing Mary-Beth. Instantly the hysterical woman hurried forward, grabbing a shovel.

The two women approached Erin silently, not once being interrupted by the others. Helen strapped Kieran's body to the back of her horse, then wrapped his head in her bandana.

She placed it in her saddlebag and turned to Mary-Beth, helping her into the saddle. Helen took the horse's reins and patted Mary-Beth's leg. "Let's go find him a good spot."


When the woman returned to camp, night had fallen, and many of the gang members were asleep. A few were still awake, however, like Dutch, Hosea and Abigail. "Thank you, Helen, so much," Mary-Beth whispered with a sad smile, then allowed Abigail to lead her away.

Dutch and Hosea then approached, and Helen leaned into her father's arm. "That was real dangerous o' you, to stay out in the open like that," Dutch told her.

Helen just pursed her lips, awaiting the impending scolding from both her leader and her father. Just great.... Dutch lightly touched her arm, a tired smile on his face. "But you kept a lot more people from dyin' today, and you kept us safe."

Hosea held her tighter, rubbing her arm comfortingly. "I ain't afraid o' dyin', Dutch. Y'all are the closest thing I have to a family - you do anythin' for your family," she told him, her eyes fluttering.

Dutch let out a huff and turned away towards the house. "Get her cleaned up and in bed, Hosea," he said, then walked away. Hosea guided her over to their shared tent, where a pile of clean clothes was laying.

A bucket of water and a bar of soap were next to the bed, as well. "You get yourself changed, sweetheart, I'll wait outside," her father said quickly before stepping out.

Helen quickly changed, feeling awkward at the thought of her father being right outside while she stripped. She poked her head out, handing Hosea her dirty clothes before spotting a second figure with him.

Charles waited impatiently beside Hosea, then visibly relaxed when she stepped out. "Are you okay?" he whispered, hugging her close once Hosea walked away.

She held him tightly, feeling her anger bubble up as she thought over that happened that day. "He didn't deserve to die, not like that. Him, Sean...neither of them," she hissed, her jaw clenched.

They may be my family, but are their deaths really worth this 'plan' Dutch has for us?


Hello everyone! I'd like to thank wolfiepuppi for creating incredible fanart of Helen! I appreciate it so much!😄

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