Chapter 18

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I can't believe they inducted that O'Driscoll boy. The next day, Helen was staring at Kieran from where she sat at the table. He was lingering around the horses, brushing one while feeding another a carrot.

Seeing him in proper clothes made her realize he was more a man than a boy, well older than her. Well, this Moron Squad can trust him if they want, but I won't. Her gaze then swept around camp lazily as she leaned back in her chair.

Abigail was sitting at her tent with her son, watching him play in the grass. The Reverend, Swanson, was stumbling around drunkenly singing with a bottle in hand.

Dutch was in his tent with, who Helen had quickly figured out to be the object of his affection, Molly. Susan was looking around camp angrily for the women, grumbling about chores not being done.

Helen then realized most men were missing from camp, and that Arthur had still not returned to camp after yesterday's "social call". She pursed her lips when she realized her father was missing from camp, as well. Probably trying his best to avoid me, coward. 

"Hey!" Helen turned at the call, and a blonde woman walked over to her. She wasn't dressed all lady-like, like Mary-Beth or Abigail, but much like Helen and the men in the gang.

I guess I'm not the only one now. "Helen, right?" she greeted, sitting down across from her. "Yah, I'm Helen...uh?" she mumbled awkwardly. "Sadie, Sadie Adler. I noticed you was the only other woman with a gun, figured I introduce myself," Sadie explained.

Helen hummed, nodding as she glanced around; "You been ridin' with these guys for long?" she asked curiously. "Oh no, just a few weeks or so. They...saved me before them O'Driscolls could kill me, too...they killed my husband," she replied slowly.

Helen sighed, her head lowering a little; "I lost my mother a few years ago...not to O'Driscolls, to sickness, but I know how you feel. My father is still livin', unfortunately," she grumbled, her jaw clenched.

"Yah...I heard." The two women then fell silent, a somewhat tense silence, but it didn't bother Helen. "If you want my advice...." Helen glanced up at Sadie for a moment, who was staring her down.

"Usually I'd say to try reconcilin', but most of these fellers are a lot of talk. I'd pick your friends carefully." Helen's eyebrows raised a little in surprise, and a thought came to mind. "Are you someone I can trust, Mrs. Adler?" she countered.

Sadie chuckled in amusement, smirking as she stood up to leave. "If you stick around long enough, you'll find out," she said, and with a wave she walked away. Helen watched her leave, curiosity in her eyes before she looked away. I guess I got myself another friend in here. 

She then turned towards the woods, scanning through the trees for nothing in particular. The thought of the missing boys in camp made her grin a little, and she stood up.

Maybe I'll head into town, try and track those idiots down, maybe find Charles along the way. Out of everybody here I met, I think I'll like him the most.

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