Chapter 13

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Helen had insisted on sleeping in her own camp for the rest of the night - after returning the money, of course. She hesitated on leaving in the morning, her gaze resting on the camp. It was already alive with activity, the outlaws moving around and tending to each other.

I shouldn't overthink it, or else I'll run. Helen then sighed, taking the reins of both her horses before starting forward. She spotted a lookout near the camp entrance, who immediately became aware of her presence. "Who are you?! State your business!" he yelled, his rifle aimed at her.

Is that a Spanish accent I hear? Helen halted promptly, a smile on her face; "Ask your little gang leader," she called back. A second man hurried in, and the leader in question approached. "I see you made it! Please, come along!" he invited cheerfully.

Helen sent him a nod as she advanced on the two men. "Javier, kindly bring her horses into camp for her," the leader instructed. At first the man, Javier, hesitated for a moment in confusion, but he complied anyway.

The leader then held his hand out to Helen. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of knowing your name - Dutch van der Linde," he greeted. Helen shook it once, her grip tight. "Helen Matthews." Dutch's eyes widened a little in surprise, but he remained silent as they entered the camp.

"Ms. Grimshaw! Ms. Gaskill! Ms. Roberts!" he called, waving the three women over. There were multiple eyes on Dutch and Helen, but she ignored them with ease.

The three women glanced over at her, smiling awkwardly. "Find Ms. Matthews something to eat and set her up a tent. She'll be staying with us from now on," he told them.

The youngest of the three women looped her arm around Helen's, a bright smile on her face. "Another lady in the gang!" she said happily. "I'm Susan, this is Abigail and Mary-Beth - you are?" the oldest of the three asked. "Helen."

She was sat down next to a large wagon with Mary-Beth and Abigail while Susan walked to the stew pot. "You look so young, how did you become an outlaw?" Abigail asked her.

Helen narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling tense; "My mother and I were poor, and my father abandoned us. I did what I had to do to keep us alive," she replied curtly.

Susan then returned with a plate, and Helen took it as Mary-Beth asked, "Where's your mother now?" That earned her a smack from Susan and a glare from Abigail.

"She's dead...I thought that would be obvious," Helen muttered, looking down to eat her stew. Her stomach then growled rather loudly, and her hunger soon set in.

Susan chuckled at the speed which Helen ate. "I guess you haven't had a proper meal in a while," she commented. Before Helen could reply, the sound of horse hooves caught everyone's attention. Two steeds rode into camp, a silver stallion and a midnight black beast.

Helen stood up in alarm, her hostility boiling up, but when her eyes landed on the silver mount's rider, she suddenly felt more than just hostility.

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