Chapter 31

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"You were right! Oh, this'll be perfect for us!" Dutch called from his wagon. The gang had finally arrived around dawn at Clemens Point, where Arthur was waiting for them.

Helen was resting her head on Charles' back, sound asleep. He looked behind him, slowing down so he can speak to Susan. "Can I get a pillow and blanket, Ms. Grimshaw?" he asked politely.

He felt Helen shift and hold onto him tighter, which made Charles shyly look away from Susan's teasing grin. "Of course, Charles." He then rode forward, stopping next to a tree to rest. How do I put her down without waking her?

"Is she okay?" Hosea walked over to Charles, a pillow and blanket under his arm as he looked to Helen. "Her horse was killed, she was pretty down before falling asleep," he replied. Hosea sighed sadly, setting his things down before holding onto Helen.

"Alright, get down." Charles quickly stepped down from his horse, grabbing a hold of her before gently pulling her down. "Thank you, Hosea," he said with a nod.

Hosea sighed, setting up the blanket and pillow as Charles held her bridal style. "No, Charles...thank you." He then carefully set Helen down in the grass, resting her head on the pillow and covering her with the blanket.

Charles stood up to face Hosea curiously. "Why thank me?" he asked. The two men moved away from Helen to not wake her with their conversation.

"Because you've been there for her and took care of her. I'll admit...I felt jealous at first, that she trusted you so easily and was avoiding me. A father's instinct," he explained.

Charles listened intently, his arms crossing loosely across his chest. Hosea glanced over at Helen when she turned over in her sleep. There was a look of longing and a look of regret in his eyes. "She's taken a liking to you, that much is obvious, as well as Sadie and Arthur. Just...."

Hosea's shoulders slumped, and he smiled sadly. "Just make sure nobody here hurts her...okay?" Charles held his gaze for a moment, his lips pursed into a thin line.

Silently he nodded in confirmation, and Hosea patted his shoulder gratefully before walking away. Charles then walked back to Helen, settling down next to the tree and leaning back on it.

I'll be here when you wake up, Helen....

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