Chapter 10

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1896 - 24 years old

A grave had been added down by the lakeshore. A flimsy cross that was tied together with two sticks and string was used as a headstone. Her name wasn't added, for the only one who had a right to know her name was Helen.

She stood in front of her mother's grave silently, dressed in her boots, trench coat and hat. Daisy and Lotus stood behind her, their saddlebags full of cans of food and supplies. Her bow and rifle were slung over Helen's shoulder - she had just about everything set.

But she didn't move from her place in front of the grave. Her jaw was clenched, as well as her fists, as she stared at the cross. "I'm sorry, Mother...I tried so hard..." Helen whispered ever so softly. The wind blew on gently as a reply, rustling the bushes and the trees.

"I tried to bring in as much as I, I thought - " She stopped herself as her voice became louder, and she took a moment to breathe. "No one ever got hurt...I did what I had to do to keep us alive!"

Helen's posture stiffened, and she looked ready to fight an invisible enemy. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Mom - " She beckoned her horses closer. " - but I'm going to do what I have to do to stay alive."


The carriage stopped when it came to an odd obstacle. A horse was standing innocently in the middle of the path, its tail flicking calmly. The carriage driver stepped down curiously from his seat. "Hey! Get on out of here!" he called.

He waved his arm frantically in an attempt to scare off the mare, but it was unfazed. "Go on! Run along, horsey!" he yelled, taking a step forward. The horse turned to gaze at him, then slowly walked off into the trees.

"Is everything alright, mister?" one of the passengers called. "Y-yes! No worries!" The carriage then carried on down the path, and Helen peeked out from behind cover to watch it go.

She grinned in triumph, patting Lotus' side in praise as she clutched the lockbox. Another score for me.

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