Chapter 56

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The gang had narrowly escaped the Pinkerton raid and fled from Shady Belle. Once they had gunned down the first wave, everyone raced around to pack up the wagons.

Helen led the escape with Charles and Sadie at her side. They fled to Sadie's suggested location, an abandoned settlement in Lakay. On the way there, they were surprised to find Micah and Javier trudging alongside the road, looking beaten down.

"Is everyone okay? Anybody hurt?" Helen called, helping Jack down from her horse. The boy was too frightened to move, so Helen had protected him as they escaped. "We're alright, Ms. Matthews. Mr. Pearson, help me get these people settled!" Susan barked, approaching the cook.

"Mama!" Jack squirmed out of Helen's arms and ran to Abigail, who caught him. "You alright?" Sadie asked as she hitched her horse. "Yah, I'm okay. Go find a spot to set up and get some rest," she replied, ushering her friend forward.

She surveyed the broken gang, heaving a sigh as she picked up her bedroll. "Where are you going with that?" she heard Charles call. Helen looked back to see him following her out the door. "Sleepin' outside, let the others take the cabin," she replied, placing her bedroll down.

Charles sighed, walking up next to her and setting up his own bedroll. "Well then you aren't sleeping alone, my love." Helen sent him a tired smile when the sound of footsteps caught their attention. Instinctively she whipped out her revolver and stepped in front of Charles protectively.

"Easy there, spit fire." Her jaw dropped when she recognized Arthur's voice, and she didn't hesitate to run forward. "Arthur!" He caught her with ease as Charles spread the news to the others.

"Are you okay? Where's the rest of you? Where the hell have you all been?!" Helen fretted, looking around. "We, shipwrecked out of state, we'll say. We decided to split up, try not to attract too much attention," he explained as Helen led him inside, adding, "Where's John?"

Helen allowed him to be greeted by the others, sighing in relief. "You weren't this happy when y'all picked up me and Javier, sweetheart." She rolled her eyes, cringing at the sound of Micah's voice. "Cause I'd rather see you swing, shithead," she hissed, her arms crossed.

He chuckled at her but didn't approach. "Even our dear Mexcian?" Helen heard a quiet 'screw you' from Javier, and clenched her jaw, refusing to look at Micah. "I like Javier, a lot more than I'll ever like you."


That night, everyone leapt in fright when the front door swung open. Dutch walked in proudly, his eyes lighting up when the gang greeted him warmly. Helen ducked her head shyly when Strauss recounted hers, Sadie's and Charles' actions while the men stowed away to Guarma.

The door slammed open again, revealing an angry Bill. "Well, here you is! I asked everybody I could find and eventually someone knew. Said you fools were here - get me a drink or somethin'!" he spat, glaring at the women.

"Get your own damn drink!" Sadie hissed back. Useless drunkard. "This is Agent Milton with the Pinkerton Detective Agency!" Everyone leapt to their feet, guns up when they realized they were surrounded. "Bill, you useless son of a bitch!"

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