Chapter 77

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"Dammit, Sadie!" Helen chased after her friend, after reluctantly leaving Charles again, right into a firefight with John and Micah. "Come on out, Micah! At least die like a man!" Sadie taunted as both women held their guns up at him. "'s just like old times," Micah sneered as he surrendered.

He walked out towards John with his hands up, the two women following closely. "Just like old times, huh? All manner of folk paying social calls," Micah hissed, chuckling.

The door to the large white cabin was slammed open, and Dutch van der Linde himself walked out. "Hello, son...Mrs. Adler...Ms. Matthews. Been quite a while," he greeted coldly.

In the midst of her astonishment, Helen was shoved in Dutch's direction while Micah held Sadie at gun-point. Helen struggled in Dutch's grip, but ultimately froze at the feeling of his gun to her head. "What are you doing here, Dutch?" John asked nervously.

"Same as you, I suppose," he mumbled, his voice weak. "Dutch and I are teaming up once more...we got money...we got dreams - join us, John!" Micah called. Helen held onto Dutch's arm tightly, eyeing him out of the corner of her eye.

"You really wanna be doin' this? Huh, Dutch? Killin' your best friend's daughter for that rat?" she hissed. He stayed silent, seemingly ignoring her as John attempted to reason with him as well.

"You can't be this easily swayed, Dutch - that ain't you. You were a leader, once upon a time, until you took Micah in," she continued. His arm tightened around her throat, making her gasp and freeze. I might die if I keep talking, but I need to try.

"You took him in...and everything started goin' to shit. Plans started failin'...people started dyin'...and he ratted us out to the same people who killed my father."

Helen took a deep breath, eyeing Sadie and John nervously. "It was never like that with Hosea around...right? I've missed him, too, you know...he helped you make sure everythin' was really wanna be killin' me? You tellin' me my dad was WRONG to stick by you?"

Dutch's rigid posture began to relax the longer she spoke, but his gun was still pressed to her temple. "Well? Aren't you gonna say anythin'?" she pressed, her knees shaking.

Dutch's arm fell from her throat, and he took a step back. "I ain't got too much to say no more...." Well...I tried. A gunshot rang out, but Helen shockingly wasn't the target. Micah dropped Sadie and stumbled, a gaping bullet hole in his chest. "You shot me...." Micah hissed, gasping.

He then chuckled slowly, standing as tall as possible. "You shot me pretty good." A series of bullets were suddenly fired from John, and finally, Micah fell dead in the snow.

With that, Dutch walked away silently from the scene and didn't look back. Helen let out a sigh of relief, her heart pounding in her chest. "Get your crazy ass up, Sadie," she muttered, helping her friend up. "Let's go get Charles and Javier," John told them, turning to leave.

"There's money...lots of money in the cabin...Blackwater," Sadie told them. Without hesitation, John disappeared in the cabin. "Hurry up...I got a couple weddings I wanna go to!"


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