Chapter 34

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The next three days after the burning of the tobacco fields were spent in camp. Her father had approached her when she returned with Arthur and Sean. "You were at Calliga Hall?" he had asked, sounding worried.

"Yah...Dutch sent me as backup, 'case the boys needed help," she had replied, then added, "You don't have to worry about me." His reply had left Helen stunned into silence. "I'm supposed to be your father, it's my job. If...if you ever want...y'know, to go fishin' or huntin', you know where I am."

Now, she sat next to Charles in his shared lodging, finishing up the last of her stew. "You up to doin' anythin' today, Charlie?" she asked, poking his arm. He looked back at her, playfully swatting her hand away.

"I've been stuck in camp either doing chores or standing guard. I'd love to get out for a bit," he admitted. Helen then sat up excitedly, taking hold of Charles' arm. "You ever been fishin'? I usually go at night so I can be alone," she suggested happily.

Charles gave her a somewhat nervous look at the thought of being alone together, but Helen didn't notice. "I-I mean, why not, but I don't have a fishing pole - " he stuttered out.

Helen cut him off, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet with surprising strength. "Let's go buy one now! You can ride with me on my new horse!" she said with a wink.

"O-okay...." Before they could reach her horse, however, they were approached by Bill, Uncle, and Arthur. "Helen, Charles! You can be my other fools!" Uncle greeted too excitedly.

Uh...what? "Arthur's above a little stick up I heard about," Uncle taunted. Helen and Charles exchanged a confused look while Arthur argued with Uncle. "Hey, I'll do it - as long as you ride with us," Arthur bargained, standing next to Bill.

"I-I got a serious medical condition." Everyone let out a groan at that, shaking their heads in annoyance. "Right, a bad back," Helen muttered, crossing her arms. "Yes, you're a compulsive liar," Arthur added.

Uncle scoffed at him; "No need to be like that! Helen, Charles, have I ever lied to you?" he asked. "We hardly know you," Charles replied awkwardly, which made Helen laugh. After a few silent seconds once Uncle tried pleading his case, he finally announced, "Fine, I'll do it!"

The small group of outlaws moved towards the horses as Uncle explained the job. Helen nudged Charles, catching his attention. "Don't think you're gettin' outta fishin', sweetheart - ain't ever too old to learn somethin' new!"

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