Chapter 52

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Helen wasn't bombarded like she was expecting to be when she stepped outside. She stayed glued to Charles' side but once she reached the wagon, Sadie hurried over.

She didn't say anything, just walked at Helen's side as they approached the wagon. Abigail and Susan were already sat in the back, and they reached down to help Helen up.

Sadie followed after her, and with a nod, Charles made his way to the front seat, where Pearson was waiting. "Are you okay?" Abigail whispered, her arm going around Helen's shoulders. She merely shook her head silently and kept her head down.

Abigail gently tugged her a little closer and kissed the top of her head like a mother would her child. "We're here for you," she whispered. Helen smiled weakly at her, but it soon dropped when she lowered her head again.


The wagon finally stopped, and when Helen looked up she could see marshland all around her. "Where are we?" she asked, her voice raspy. "Bluewater Marsh," Abigail told her.

Once the wagon stopped, every woman stood up to get off. Abigail ducked her way forward, holding Jack's hand and guiding Helen with her as they stepped off first.

Charles was already there waiting, and Helen felt her heart lurch when he approached her once she got off. He took her under his arm, and she gladly leaned into him as the others stepped off one by one.

"Do you want to go say goodbye?" he asked gently. Helen looked around, spotting Reverend Swanson digging a deep hole under a tree. She felt her heart begin to race in pure fear the longer she stared, her eyes watering.

"Hey." She slowly turned to face Charles; "I'll be with you the whole time, okay? It's going to be okay," he reassured. Helen held his serious gaze for a moment or two, swallowing nervously before nodding.

The two of them then walked forward with the rest of the gang following. The Reverend looked up to greet them, but Helen paid no attention to him. She stepped out of Charles' grasp and slowly approached the back of the next wagon.

Don't overthink it...I got this. She covered her mouth when she saw Lenny's and Hosea's bodies. Never had she thought she would see Lenny lying dead at her feet - he had been younger than her.

Her eyes landed on the bullet wounds that punctured their chests, their jackets completely stained with dried blood. Her father was dressed in a fancier suit than Lenny, making her wonder what they had been up to before their final moments.

Helen reached out with a shaky hand, gently touching her father's own hand. She nearly recoiled away at how cold it was, but she forced herself to stay rooted in place.

I'm sorry for being so angry with you for so long.... She moved to Lenny's hand, which was equally as cold. You were too young to be mixed up in business like this....

She stood there for a moment or two before stepping back, allowing the others to pay their respects. "Are you okay?" Charles fretted when Helen leaned into him.

She smiled lightly, a somewhat more genuine smile. "I feel a little better now," she said softly. That made Charles smile as well, his arm tightening around her waist.

"I'm glad." Helen bit her lip nervously before reaching up and pressing a light kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Charles...for everything." He blushed shyly, daring to nuzzle her gently. "Of course, Helen."

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