Chapter 16

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"You want me to do what?" Helen and Charles had been approached by Dutch when they arrived back at camp, who ushered Charles away. She hadn't realized the gang housed a prisoner until Dutch came forth with his request.

"I want you to go question the O'Driscoll boy. None of the men here were able to learn anything, so maybe a new face will do the trick," he explained. Helen glanced over to where the boy was tied to a tree, his head hanging low, and she sighed.

"Sure, I can try," she muttered, holstering her rifle in her horse's saddle. Without another word, Helen walked over to the tree, eyeing up the O'Driscoll. He was dressed in dirty, ragged clothes and looked not only sleep deprived, but starved as well.

He lifted his head shakily as she approached, his dull eyes shining a little in excitement. "H-hey, ma'am! Hi there!" he greeted shakily. Helen sniffed, hooking one finger in her belt loop; "You...y-you new here, ain'tcha? Can you get me some food? Please?" he begged relentlessly.

Helen rolled her eyes in annoyance, glancing at the food wagon. "If I find you somethin', are you gonna quit your whinin'?" she snapped. The O'Driscoll nodded quickly, struggling a little against his restraints.

With a sigh Helen trudged over and snatched a can of peaches, glaring at Pearson when he gave her a look. "Oh, th-thank you, ma'am!" he cried, nearly trembling in anticipation. Helen merely nodded silently and opened the can. 

"Tell me something - " She tilted her head back and ate a slice or two, which earned her a whimper. " - what's your name?" The O'Driscoll struggled some more, his expression one of desperation. "Kieran Duffy, ma'am."

She nodded, then leaned forward and fed him for a brief moment before pulling away. Kieran let out a relieved sigh and licked his lips, his gaze on the can. "Where's Colm O'Driscoll?" Helen continued, spitting out the name.

Kieran's excitement immediately deflated, and he looked at her with borderline annoyance. "You're just like the rest of this gang." That made her scoff, and she finished the rest of the can, which made him cry out in protest. "As you were, O'Driscoll," she muttered, then began to walk away.

"Oh, c-come on! You're a lady - you're supposed to be nice!" That made Helen freeze in her tracks, and she clenched her jaw. "You want me to be nice?" She spun around and stormed over, her hunting knife in hand.

Kieran's agonizing shriek when she plunged it in his shoulder alerted the entire camp. "Tell me where Colm O'Driscoll is and I'll fix that up for ya. And if you don't - " Helen pushed the knife in deeper, making Kieran scream again.

"I'll cut your damn arm off." His eyes widened in terror, and in between his panting, he said, "I know where O'Driscoll's holed up!" Helen then smiled, patting Kieran's cheek a little too roughly. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

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