Chapter 78

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Helen gladly allowed her tears to fall, but a smile was plastered on her face. She stood alongside Charles, Sadie, Javier, Uncle and Jack, each of them expressing immense joy.

The priest spoke softly to John and Abigail as he performed the wedding ceremony. "You ever gonna settle down like them, Javi?" she whispered, nudging her friend.

He laughed quietly, shaking his head; "Oh,, actually I'm gonna get out of here after this. Maybe...maybe head back to Mexico, find my family," he confessed quietly.

Helen's eyes widened in surprise, and her joy was interrupted by sadness for a moment. "Well you better not fall off the face of the earth, mister." Javier just smiled, and the group of friends applauded once the priest announced them husband and wife.

Sadie and Helen approached Abigail while the men grouped up. "You're officially a Marston!" Sadie announced, hugging her friend. Abigail was in tears as she then hugged Helen. "Thank you both for being here, I appreciate it so much," she cried happily.

"Where else would we be, woman? There ain't nothin' more important than this wedding," Helen told her. Both Sadie and Abigail shared an identical grin as they stared at her.

"We can think of something else." A tap on her shoulder made Helen turn around, but she gasped at what she saw. Charles was knelt down on one knee, a ring in hand that he held up to her. "Hey," he greeted with a smile. "H-hey," Helen mumbled, her eyes watering once again.

Charles took her hand gently, his own eyes turning glassy. "Helen Matthews...I waited a long time to ask you this question. Will you...give me the honour of calling you my wife?" he asked.

Holy shit...holy shit, this is actually happening! "YES!" Charles immediately grabbed her in a hug, picking her up and spinning her around. "I love you so much, Helen - here." Charles set her down and took her hand again, slipping the ring on her finger as the priest walked over.

Most of the ceremony was tuned out, Helen was staring at Charles the whole time with wide eyes. The priest could hardly finish his final sentence before the couple held onto each other tightly and kissed.

"I love you, Charles, forever and always," Helen whispered, pulling away to look at him. His eyes were shining as he shed a tear or two, but his smile never left.

"What do you say about going to Canada?" Helen just grinned, kissing him again and hearing their friends applaud. "I'll follow you anywhere, Charlie."



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