Chapter 76

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Life on the ranch had not been what Helen was expecting. She had lived the life of a rancher, so long ago, but she no longer felt the tranquility it provided. Abigail and Jack had returned a few days later, much to everyone's delight, and even Sadie Adler had shown her face.

That had to have been one of the happiest days of my life, seeing her again. Javier had moved into Charles' tent, allowing the couple to live together in the cabin.

"I figured you'd 'ave run off by now, honestly," Helen had said. "Nah...not now, I don't feel like it's the right time yet," Javier had replied. At first, Helen didn't understand what he had meant - until the day came, when Sadie arrived at Beecher's Hope.

"I found him - I found Micah," she announced. The feeling of shock washed over Helen, leaving her speechless with her jaw dropped. She looked to Javier while John and Abigail argued, but his expression was one of fear.

"Javi?" she muttered, nudging him. His gaze flickered over to her, then Charles, then John and Sadie before he nodded, and his fear vanished. "I'll ride with you."


"You okay?" Helen turned to Charles when he spoke, and he held his hand out to her. They had traveled to Strawberry after hunting down - and killing - one of Micah's men.

They were just about ready to face him after days of riding. "I'm anxious," Helen replied honestly, taking his hand. "I want that bastard dead - for Arthur." Charles nodded, lifting her hand kissing her knuckles, which made her smile.

"We'll make it out of this and put an end to it all," he reassured her confidently. Suddenly, a loud, piercing gunshot was fired, and Helen was sure her heart had stopped beating. Charles fell off his horse with an agonizing cry, prompting everyone to take cover.

"Charlie!" He was slumped against a boulder, clutching his bleeding shoulder. "I'm okay...I'm okay," he groaned, leaning his head back. "Is he okay?!" Javier slid on the ground, ducking behind the boulder with them. The firing finally ceased, and John and Sadie joined them.

"Hey, you're okay," Sadie reassured, checking him over. "I will be...but go on...go on now!" Charles urged while shooing them away. "I ain't leavin' you, dammit! Don't be stupid!" Helen snapped. Her body was trembling uncontrollably from panic and rage, her glare fixated on the mountain.

"I'll stay with him, you three need to hurry up that mountain now," Javier declared. He stood up and shooed them off, eyeing Helen especially, who refused to leave.

"We'll be right behind you, I promise." More gunshots made her freeze and grab her revolver. "Y'all best stay alive, or I swear!" Helen let out a battle cry and raced up the mountain, firing back at any man she saw.

She pushed forward, barely flinching at the raining bullets as she fought her way through. I ain't gonna stop, no matter what. The three outlaws cleared out the first camp they found, and Helen realized just how high up they were going.

She glanced down the mountain but couldn't spot Charles or Javier. I'll make sure they stay alive - I'm tired of watching my family die. She screamed when she was tackled to the ground, gasping when she was punched.

"BASTARD!!" Helen whipped out her hunting knife and stabbed her attacker once, twice, three times before he fell. She scrambled to her feet as Sadie's attacker was shot down, and she turned to see Charles and Javier approaching.

"Sadie, you goddamn idiot," Helen then said, approaching her stumbling friend. "I'm fine...come on!" she hissed. She cried out as Helen helped her to her feet. "You're bleeding pretty bad," John said with a frown. "Ain't nothin'...I'm fine," Sadie insisted.

Helen glanced back at the men with a sigh; "John, you needa go. We got 'em, so you go get him," she told him. "Kill that son of a bitch."

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