Chapter 27

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"Hey, Helen! Come here a minute." Helen dropped the heavy food bag for the horses with a huff. Abigail stood at her tent, waving Helen down almost frantically.

Time to go socialize, I guess. She passed by Kieran, who was carrying a bucket of water and rolling his shoulder. "Afternoon, O'Driscoll," she sneered. He eyed her nervously, flinching involuntarily; "A-afternoon, Ms. Matthews."

Helen merely sniffed before turning away from him and walking up to Abigail. She spotted Jack sitting near Arthur's lodging, his head down. "What's up?" she greeted, smiling a little. "Can I ask you a favour? I'd ask Arthur, but I can't find him anywhere."

A favour? We've hardly spoken. "Depends," Helen answered hesitantly. Abigail pursed her lips; "Would somethin' with Jack? He seems kind of down...all this upheaval can't have been easy on the poor kid."

Helen let out a groan, turning away from her. "I ain't babysittin', Abigail."


"I did it, Ms. Helen!" She let out a sigh, glancing down at Jack; he was reeling the line in on his fishing pole quickly. "Careful you don't break the line, kid - wait till the fish is tuckered out before reelin' him in," she advised, patting his back.

Surprisingly, the little boy listened to her, and soon enough a small fish was pulled out. "Hey now, look at you!" she praised, feeling somewhat proud. Jack leapt for joy, picking up his fish; "I'm going to bring it home, for Momma!" he said happily.

The sound of horse hooves made Helen freeze, and she whipped around to see two men approaching. "What a fine young man," one called. Helen stepped in front of Jack, her hand on her gun; "I wouldn't come any closer, if I were you," she warned.

The men didn't look fazed by her threat by any means. "No need to be alarmed - Helen, isn't it? Helen Matthews?" the first man reassured, stopping a few feet away. "Who are you?" The second man aimed his gun at her, making her grit her teeth.

"Yes, Helen Matthews - I'm assuming Van der Linde's newest member, being Hosea's own daughter." Helen became increasingly nervous, and she eyed her horse. "I don't know no Hosea Van der Linde or whoever," she hissed.

"Please, Ms. Matthews, we've read your father's file and have seen plenty of photos of you. No need to hide - Agent Milton, Agent Ross," he said a little curtly. They stepped closer, and Helen took her gun out of its holster.

"You really want me to kill you in front of the boy?" she spat. Agent Milton scoffed, chuckling in amusement. "We know you won't. You weren't who we were hoping to find down here, so I'll keep this short - we want Van der Linde." This time it was Helen's turn to scoff and laugh.

"You'll have to wait behind a long line o' ladies 'fore gettin' to him, fellas," she sneered. Agent Milton clenched his teeth in annoyance, glaring at her almost hatefully.

"This is my offer, Ms. Matthews - bring in Van der Linde and you have my word, you and your friends won't swing. If you don't...well then, you'll all end up like poor Mac Callander - even the boy."

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