Chapter 68

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Helen and Javier were riding quietly through the Grizzlies, their eyes on the road. "I had no idea he was sick," Javier said quietly. "I noticed back in Lakay...if Micah or Dutch didn't already put a bullet in him, tuberculosis woulda killed him anyway," she muttered, clenching her jaw.

It was silent for a quick moment. "What about John? Abigail?" Javier asked slowly. "John...I have no idea if he's dead or not. But Abigail, Jack, Sadie and Tilly all fled to Copperhead Landing. I doubt they stayed together, though," Helen replied.

"And Charles?" She froze at the sound of his name, her chest tightening, and she met Javier's gaze. "Is...i-is he...?" he stuttered. Helen shook her head, her gaze dropping.

"No, no...he helped the Natives escape...." she whispered. Helen let out a dry laugh; "I promised I'd find him, but I don't even know where he went...." She saw Javier's horse pull up to hers, and his hand touched her back lightly.

She accepted his attempt at comforting her, a small smile on her face. "I can help you track him...if you want," he offered cautiously. Helen looked up to meet his gaze, and Javier sent her a friendly smile. "Follow me, then, amigo."


"My guess is they went north, away from all this civilization," Helen called. Javier followed close behind her as they rode through the abandoned reservation.

"After the disaster Dutch put that kid, Eagle Flies, through, I wouldn't be surprised," he agreed. Helen sighed, her gaze scanning through the multiple tents.

"I feel bad for Rains know, the chief? All he wanted was peace for his people, but instead Dutch gets most of them killed," she commented bitterly.

She heard Javier let out a sigh behind her as they pushed onward. "How's that bullet wound?" he then asked. Helen lifted up her shirt, frowning at what she saw.

"I think it bled through a little," she replied. "Are you in any pain?" She pressed lightly on the bandages, wincing lightly as she lowered her shirt. "A little...."

Javier advanced, appearing at her side. "We'll stop for the day, then, it's getting dark," he advised. Helen shook her head; "He's at least a few days ahead of us, if we stop now he'll only get farther," she protested.

"And it won't do us good if you end up sick or dead - we're stopping." She held his challenging gaze for as long as possible before finally giving in. Javier flashed her a grin before leading the way into the trees, stopping in a clearing.

"You just relax, I'll get everything set up," he told her. "I wasn't plannin' on helpin' anyway." Javier chuckled as he helped her off her horse. "Isn't that Charles' necklace?" he asked as he searched his saddlebags.

Helen unconsciously held onto the beaded necklace. "Yah...he gave it to me before he left," she replied with a sigh. "We'll find him, you know, alive and well. He's strong and wise, he can survive," Javier reassured.

He walked over with the medical supplies the doctor had given him. "You trust me to take care of you?" he asked hesitantly. Helen rolled her eyes at him; "Keep your hands off the merchandise and you'll still be able to play that guitar of yours."

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