Chapter 23

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"You must be new to the little family, Miss, I've never seen you around." Helen turned to Josiah Trelawny when he spoke to her; "I am new, only been a few days of ridin' with these fellers - Helen Matthews," she replied.

Trelawny hummed, looking back at her; "Matthews? You must be related to Hosea, no?" Helen clenched her jaw, turning away to glance over the cliff. "Unfortunately," she muttered gruffly. The conversation was dropped after that, much to her relief, and the ride continued in silence.

"Look, they've stopped! Get your binoculars out, let's see what we're dealing with here," Trelawny announced, coming to a halt. She complied, focusing on the boat down by the river; she saw a few bounty hunters kick a ginger-haired man, Sean.

Helen then cut in on the men's conversation; "Alright, I'll head down there and take out them two guards. You fellers ride in to take out the others - I'm sure there are bounty hunters crawlin' all over this mountain," she declared, putting her binoculars away.

The three men looked at her in shock and mild confusion; "Don't you think we should try going in quietly? What if they hurt Sean?" Javier asked in uncertainty. Helen rolled her eyes; "It'll end in a shootout anyway, but hey, do what you want," she muttered in annoyance.

The men just went back to their strategizing, allowing Helen to discreetly pout. Maybe I should have gone back to camp. She then followed them down the cliff, Trelawny mumbling about having a plan. "You stay behind as back up, Ms. Matthews, in case it does end up in a shootout," he advised her.

Of course. She remained hidden on her horse as the three men stealthily advanced, and she watched Arthur and Javier to take the hunters. Once they did, Trelawny decided to take his leave, making Helen sniff. Stuck up city man.

Gunfire suddenly sounded once Arthur and Javier began their trek up the mountain. Helen freely let out an annoyed groan as she spurred her horse on. She shot down two advancing hunters once she arrived, and she turned to the men.

"Do it silently, you said, Javier?" she called with a frown. "Yah, yah!" She gunned down as many as possible as Lotus paced nervously, neighing at the gunfire. "Come on, push up!" Helen called. She attempted to walk forward, but Lotus suddenly let out a shriek and reared. "Whoa!"

Helen let out a yell when her horse threw her off, and she landed hard on the ground. "Helen!" she heard Arthur call, and he appeared at her side. "I'm fine, I'm fine! Damn horse!" she spat, sitting up. She suddenly shrieked when she tried standing up, and she saw her ankle was swollen.

"Alright, we're in the clear! Is she okay?" Javier announced, hurrying over. Arthur helped Helen lean back against a boulder, and he placed his hat on her head.

"You stay here, once we get Sean we'll come back for ya. Just hope ya don't cook in the sun," he teased lightly, then hurried off with Javier. First job and my damn horse embarrasses me.


A huge thank you to everyone who voted and to every single person who has read my story thus far! I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you're enjoying this story!😄

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