Chapter 15

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"Good morning, Helen." She looked up at the newcomer, a dark-skinned man she had yet to meet. He smiled down at her kindly; "My name is Charles. Dutch asked me to bring you out hunting," he told her.

He was very soft spoken, but his voice was deep. Helen eyed him for a moment longer before letting out a sigh and standing up. "Fine, I guess," she muttered.

Charles nodded once, then turned and led her to the horses. She sat down in Lotus' saddle while he mounted a white-and-gray spotted horse. "That's an interesting coat she's got there," Helen commented as the two of them rode out.

"Thank you, I was surprised myself when I found her out in the wild," Charles replied, a proud smile evident in his tone. Helen merely hummed, glancing around as they rode downhill. It was a very beautiful location to set up camp, and in the distance she could see tall, snowy mountains.

"How long have you been out there on your own?" Charles asked. He slowed to allow Helen to fall in step with him; "I've lived outside for my whole life, but I've only ever been on my own for three years," she replied.

"You must know how to hold your own pretty well," Charles praised lightly. The corner of Helen's mouth twitched upwards, and she glanced at him for a moment.

"My mother taught me everything she knew, so I have her to thank." Charles let out a hum, smiling gently at her, which confused Helen. "I'm sure she would be proud of you."

Her eyes widened a little in surprise at his words, which made his smile widen in turn. "Come on, there's usually deer down by the river up ahead," he said, picking up speed.

Well...he seems to be less of a moron than the others.


"I've never seen anyone shoot down two deer that fast before." Helen puffed out her chest with pride, her expression shamelessly smug. "Years of practice, my friend," she boasted.

Charles had led her to a small group of deer, and when he shot down one, Helen had quickly put two arrows into two others. She had whistled for her second horse, and now the three of them made their way back to camp. Charles chuckled at her pride, patting his horse's neck.

"I'll make sure the others hear of this - put in a good word to Dutch," he told her. Helen arched a brow at him, smirking lightly; "Well aren't you a gentleman."

She expected a blush or a look of embarrassment, but Charles merely smiled at her. "Just trying to do right by the newcomer," he replied honestly. Helen huffed, letting her gaze linger on him for a moment longer. "No need to kiss ass, Charlie, I already like you."

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