Chapter 75

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"Gentlemen - and lady - to this happy home! At least till this fool gets his woman back." The five outlaws were stood in front of a built, completed house after days of hard work.

Helen leaned into Charles with a sigh of content. "I think the five of us deserve a damn rest," she announced. "I couldn't agree more!" Uncle echoed cheerfully.

The others exchanged an eye roll as he hurried inside the house. John glanced back at the three remaining outlaws. "Actually, Helen...there's still one thing I need help with," he said a little nervously.

Helen tilted her head in question, but didn't protest as she followed John to the house. "I'll be back, you two!" She looked around as she walked in, smiling with pride.

"We did a damn good job, Abigail's gonna love it," she commented. "Yah...that's what I need your help with," John said shyly. He led Helen into his makeshift bedroom, where a blank paper and a pen were lying on a crate. She sighed, smiling back at John, who scratched his neck awkwardly.

"Come on, loverboy, let's get started."


The silence around the campfire was tense and hostile. Charles and Javier were avoiding each other's gaze, but neither of them were feeling awkward. Javier would cautiously glance up at Charles, who was rigid and glaring at the fire. I really hope she comes back soon....

"John told me what happened, at the end. You sided with Dutch and Micah - even after he killed Ms. Grimshaw." There it is. Javier sighed and met Charles' angry gaze, making him flinch. "Yes...that is true," he confirmed quietly.

He looked away, unable to hold his gaze; "Look...I was scared okay? I've only been loyal to Dutch and the gang...he's all I've ever know, but...after watching Micah kill Grimshaw...." Javier trailed off, feeling too ashamed to continue pleading his case. "I know."

He looked up nervously at Charles, but he was surprised to see his glare beginning to fade. "John told me of the...discussion you two had when you and Helen arrived here," Charles explained. Javier furrowed his brows in confusion, stumbling over his words. Why is he asking me if he already knows everything?

"How did you find Helen?" Charles asked, moving on. Javier composed himself, looking away awkwardly. "Bill wanted to run away, but I wanted to stay behind. I was...worried for Arthur and John, but after seeing so many Pinkertons around, I figured I should leave, too. Then, there she was...unconscious and bleeding out on the I took her with me before the Pinkertons could find her."

Javier shrugged once he finished, feeling too nervous to remain at the campfire, and he was prepared to leave. "Thank you, Javier." What? Charles gave him a small, somewhat forced smile in an attempt to show gratitude.

"I was afraid she would be alone, after I left...or worse, she would be killed and I would never get to see her again." Charles looked sad for a moment, glancing at the house when Helen stepped out. "Now I know she's been with a friend all this thank you."

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