Chapter 53

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The small gang had returned to Shady Belle once they buried their former brothers, and Helen heard her stomach growl. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something?" Charles asked, helping her down from the wagon.

Helen didn't reply, instead her gaze swept across the camp at the gloomy gang members. "I have a better idea." She walked over to Pearson, catching his attention. "You think you can do somethin' for me?" she asked. "Depends," he replied awkwardly.

Helen suppressed an eye roll; "Make a stew, big enough for everyone for tonight," she told him. Pearson frowned in confusion at her. "Don't I always?"

This time, Helen didn't hold back her eye roll, and she turned to leave. "Make it good this time."


Night had fallen not too long after that, and everyone was gathered around the fire. Stew bowls were passed around, and no one questioned why they were together.

Helen watched as small chatter began, everyone benefiting from each other's company - even Karen, who was usually drunk, was chatting up Abigail, Tilly and Mary-Beth.

I should probably say something.... "You know...I remember when I had first 'unofficially' met Lenny." All heads turned towards Helen, but she was gazing at the fire.

Helen smiled lightly; "He had come back from his little drinkin' escapade with Arthur, lookin' sick as a dog...but he was smilin'." Some people were smiling faintly at the memory, which prompted Helen to continue.

"He had said that, that was the most fun he had in years - gettin' shit-faced and man handled by the law." One or two people chuckled to themselves, and Helen bit her lip.

"I overjoyed Hosea was when I finally swallowed my pride and sat down with him." She felt a light, airy feeling in her chest as she spoke, and she smiled. "It felt finally have a dad...." Helen held up her beer bottle, glancing around at everyone.

"This...this is for Lenny Summers and Hosea Matthews." The others quickly copied her action, and they all held their bottles up. "To one of the most bright-eyed and kindest kids I know...and to one of the best fathers in the world."

The gang then sipped at their beers after the toast, and Helen suddenly felt a weight be lifted off of her shoulders. Soon enough, a gentle chatter bubbled up around the campfire, with Hosea's and Lenny's names being mentioned here and there.

"That was a good idea." Helen turned to Charles, who was smiling down at her. She looked away shyly, tucking some hair behind her ear. "Well, I've been in that house actin' like I was the only one sufferin'. I figured...." she said, then trailed off to gesture at the campfire.

His smile didn't falter, and his gaze was soft. "You're a very caring woman, Helen. I'm glad Dutch took you in," he told her boldly. She blushed in embarrassment, turning away.

"Hardly - I'm far from even being decent," she protested. Charles just shook his head and leaned closer to her. "Come with me," he whispered, then stood up and left without looking back. Helen's right side was then repeatedly prodded and she turned to look at Sadie.

"The hell are you doin', just watchin'?! Go after him, you idiot!"

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