Chapter 61

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"I thought you were better than keepin' secrets from me, Charles,'' Helen hissed as she rode on her horse beside him. He looked at her apologetically; "I'm sorry, Helen, I should have come to you first about this, but now isn't the time to discuss it," he told her.

Helen scoffed, her anger boiling; "That usually means you ain't gonna bring it up again!" she spat. She fell silent when she entered the Wapiti Reservation with Arthur, the chief Rains Fall and some other Native warriors.

They each hitched their horses and dismounted; Helen stepped in front of Charles with a glare. "This discussion ain't over," she muttered, then followed the others into camp.

Leaving...he's thinking of leaving.... "Colonel Favours, Captain Monroe, we come in peace," Rains Fall greeted. "Hello again," Colonel Favours said, "Who are these three?"

Helen stood tall next to Arthur with her arms crossed, standing her ground. "They are friends of my people," Rains Fall replied. The Colonel eyed them with a judgmental expression, which hardened Helen's glare.

Arthur suddenly began coughing, gently at first, until it turned into a violent fit. "Someone take him away!" Favours barked. Helen quickly stepped in front of Arthur, taking his arm.

"I got him." She led Arthur to a nearby tent, sitting him down carefully. He coughed a little more, spitting out blood and having a droplet drool out of his mouth.

Helen placed her hand on his shoulder. "Arthur." He looked up at her with a weak gaze, wheezing lightly. She knelt down on one knee in front of him, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"'re really sick, aren't ya?" she whispered. Arthur let out a sigh, nodding once. "Tuberculosis." Helen leaned back, staring at Arthur in disbelief with wide eyes, and he just smiled sadly.

He waved her off; "Go on back to Charles, woman. I'll be okay, just give me a minute." Helen didn't protest, and with one last look at her friend, she stepped out of the tent.

She returned to an argument; "The lands you currently occupy belong to the United States government. Why is this so confusing, sir? Why?" Arthur returned just as Rains Fall stood up from the table.

"Good day, Colonel Favours," he said, then turned and left. Arthur beckoned Charles and Helen closer, just as another argument broke out. Arthur suddenly grabbed a nearby officer and held him at gun-point.

New plan, I see. "Let him go," Arthur demanded as the three outlaws held up their guns. "Captain Monroe, let's get out of here!" The four of them slowly backed up towards their horses, and just as they mounted up, the army open fired.

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