Chapter 60

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When the two of them returned to Beaver Hollow, they were surprised with the events that occurred in their absence. John had been rescued from prison, courtesy of Arthur and Sadie. Leviticus Cornwall had also been gunned down, courtesy of Dutch.

"I don't like all of this violence," Charles had told Helen the night they returned. "Neither do I...we oughta stick close to each other," she had replied. True to her word, the two of them never left each other's side and everything was done together.

Today had been no different, riding out with Dutch, Arthur and a Native American acquaintance they had made, Eagle Flies. The five of them rode into the Van Horn trading post, where the Natives' stolen horses were held on a boat.

Helen was sat in a canoe with Arthur and Charles, but her gaze was on Dutch in the other canoe. "Am I the only one who thinks that things ain't the same anymore?" she asked quietly.

"Way ahead o' you, darlin'. I don't think Dutch's got good intentions with them Indians," he replied honestly. "Same here. I just hope he doesn't bring on more heat," Charles added.

They then pulled up to the side of the boat, quickly climbing aboard. Everyone remained silent as Arthur approached and knocked out the first guard. Helen hurried around the main cabin, Charles following as they subdued the rest of the guards.

"Everyone, go find out about those horses down below. Arthur, deal with the anchor," Dutch instructed, heading for the helm. "You think I have the first idea how this anchor works?!" Arthur protested.

Jesus Christ, two halves of a whole idiot. The boat rocked violently when the anchor was blown up, and Charles grabbed onto Helen as the boat propelled forward.

"We're headed for those rocks! Hold on!" Dutch yelled. The boat crashed and swayed, sending the Natives and outlaws to the ground. Water quickly began filling the boat, making Helen scramble to her feet. "We are goin' down, gentlemen!" she called, helping Charles up.

Alright, just...don't panic. Arthur and Dutch appeared in the cabin, opening the stalls and allowing for the horses to escape. "Come on, Helen!" Charles called.

She stood at the edge of the boat as the others leapt off into the water. Oh my god, okay...just do it! She leapt into the water after them, gasping for air and flailing her arms.

Her hand landed on the back of one horse, and she clutched onto its mane as it swam frantically back to shore. Holy shit, okay, I'm fine, everything's fine.

Helen gladly threw herself onto shore once they reached dry land, and she stayed on the sandy ground for a moment or two before standing up.

She staggered towards her horse, who neighed and nuzzled her in welcome. "Hey, girl...oh, you're so warm," she mumbled, ignoring the men's conversation.

She grabbed a handkerchief from her saddlebag and wiped her face dry, sighing in relief. "Are you alright?" Charles asked, walking over to her. "Oh yah, I'm great," she replied nonchalantly.

Charles pulled her into him with one arm, offering her comfort and warmth which she gladly accepted. "If we have time, I'll teach you how to properly swim," he whispered to her, then rejoined the men. Well...that's embarrassing.

"Will one of you help me return the horses to my men?" Eagle Flies asked. Charles looked ready to volunteer, but Dutch cut him off. "Well, Arthur needs to rest - I will," he said with a hint of a sneer. I guess we're invisible.

Dutch rode away with the Native boys, talking loudly, and left the three outlaws behind. Charles looked frustrated as he turned to face Arthur. "I said I would stop this from happening...would you talk to him?" he begged.

Helen took his hand, squeezing it lightly to offer some comfort. "Speak to Rains Fall?" Charles nodded, waiting as Arthur thought silently. "Sure...I'll speak with him."

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