Chapter 22

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The next morning, Helen woke up with the sun shining directly in her face. She groaned, lifting one hand to cover the light as she opened her eyes. She was met with the bright blue sky and branches hanging over her head. Oh man, I don't remember falling asleep outside.

Helen turned over onto her back, but soon froze when she heard a quiet grunt. Oh...oh dear. Charles was sound asleep next to her, one arm folded under his head like a pillow.

Some strands of hair were hanging over his face, his gentle breathing making them sway ever so lightly. Helen found herself staring longer than she should have been, smirking at his light snoring. First person I get close to and I'm already checking him out. Idiot.

Helen felt somewhat embarrassed with her staring, and she suppressed her thoughts. She gently shook him by the shoulder. "Come on, wake up." Charles let out another grunt, this time louder, and he finally stirred.

His eyes fluttered open and immediately landed on Helen, and he furrowed his brows. "Helen...?" he mumbled, slowly sitting up. She scratched the back of her neck nervously. "I guess we never made it back to camp," she said lightly.

Charles suddenly gasped, his eyes wide; "Shit, I was supposed to meet Javier and Arthur in Blackwater!" he said. He jumped up, quickly stretching and calling his horse over. "You want to come along? Or maybe rest up some more back at camp?" he asked, getting on his horse.

Helen scoffed, calling her own horse over; "I ain't sleepin' this day away - lead the way, Charlie," she told him. The two rode on down the path at a quick pace, and Charles looked somewhat nervous. "I'm sure Javier and Arthur would understand, you know," Helen called.

"I was supposed to be there last night, actually," he replied sheepishly. Helen looked at him in mild surprise and guilt, and he met her gaze. "I wanted to go riding with you, it's okay," he told her knowingly. Can he read my mind? She looked away shyly, focusing on the path ahead.

"Have you ever been to Blackwater?" Charles asked, changing the subject. "Furthest I've been is Rhodes, Saint Denis, that area." Charles chuckled lightly, making Helen turn to look at him with a soft gaze.

"You won't get a good first impression, that's for sure, not with us outlaws around you," he joked lightly. Helen let out a giggle, sitting up tall; "Oh, I'm not afraid, Charlie, don't you worry."

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