Chapter 67

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They're everywhere! On top of Dutch and Micah chasing after the fleeing outlaws, more Pinkertons had arrived as well. They were flanked on either side, and there was a row of Pinkertons ahead of them.

Two equally loud horse cries made Helen pull hard on the reins and stop. Arthur and John were thrown off their horses when they were shot dead, and the Pinkertons advanced.

Helen gunned down every man she saw with a yell, tears pricking at her eyes. This can't be the end! "We can't stay here, gentlemen! We needa go!" Helen called.

"Wait...w-wait." Arthur stumbled over, panting and wheezing as he placed his hand on her thigh. "You needa get out of here, Helen...get yourself a doctor, follow your own advice," he told her.

She looked ready to protest, but there was a silent plea in Arthur's tired gaze that made her stay silent. He smiled sadly, looking down; "I...I've been sweet on you for a while, Helen. I wish I woulda told you sooner...but the only way you'll make me happy now is by runnin' off and livin' your life."

He took her hand when Helen's eyes watered and squeezed it tightly. "Go find Charles and start your family. Now go - GO!" He slapped her horse, causing it to cry out and race off.

Helen continued to stare back at Arthur and John until they were mere blips in the distance. "DAMMIT!!" Helen screeched, falling against her horse's neck.

The agony from her wound overwhelmed her once again, this time much more strongly, which made her cry. Her body went limp, and she couldn't stop herself from passing out.


When Helen came to once again, the sun had been shining in her eyes. "Ugh...." She slowly sat up, wincing in pain as she balanced on her elbows. When the hell did I set up a tent?

She looked around, seeing nothing but trees for miles. Erin was hitched to a nearby tree, accompanied by a gray-and-white horse. Did someone find me? Footsteps made her freeze, and luckily she was still armed with her hunting knife.

She struggled to her feet as the footsteps slowed. "Who's there?!" she demanded, stumbling a little. She turned around slowly, freezing at the newcomer. Javier stood still, a large, wrapped fish in his hands.

"Javier," Helen hissed, gripping her knife. He eyed the weapon, but he didn't look intimidated. "I found you on the side of the road, bleeding out," he told her.

He stepped around her and approached the small fire pit. "I brought you to the doctor in Saint Denis - lucky for you, that ain't gonna kill ya," he explained, sitting down.

Helen remained standing, glaring at him and holding her knife up. Javier gave her a pleading look. "I was scared, Helen...I didn't know what to do or who to believe," he told her.

She unwillingly sat down, her wound aching, but she kept her glare on him. Javier did his best to avoid it as he began cooking the fish. "Arthur...h-he's probably dead by now, but...." Helen began slowly.

"He died for us, made sure the rest of us got out safely...and you sided with that snake." Javier sighed, his shoulders slumping; "I'm a coward, I know...Dutch and Micah were talking of killing you three, and with the Pinkertons showing up...."

He looked away in shame, his hat partially covering his face. "I'm sorry, Helen...I know what I did was wrong, but I couldn't watch them kill you." Helen pursed her lips, holding his gaze evenly for a moment.

"I was scared, that much was obvious...and I will admit that I was rather cowardly...." Her father's voice echoed in her mind, making her sigh. "I loved you and your mother...more than anything in this world."

Helen finally sheathed her knife, scooting closer to the fire. "I'm starvin'."


LE GASP, our favourite revolutionary comes to the rescue. I really wanted to give Javier and Helen more of a friendship, but I felt like having her want to trust only a few people throughout the bulk of the story would fit better with her character. But now, the two have finally come face to face...

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