Chapter 58

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By the time they reached Butcher Creek, night had fallen, and the three outlaws were on high alert. They kept their heads down as they traveled through the dirty village.

"It's a bit of a walk, we could grab those horses if you want?" Charles suggested. Helen glanced at Arthur, hearing his light panting, and without a word she approached the horses.

She held onto Charles as he took the reins, her head resting on his back. "You can see why folks don't want to come round here. Ain't exactly a welcomin' place," Arthur commented warily.

"Lots of stories of people going missing round these parts. Just recently, a stagecoach from Annesburg, disappeared without a trace coming through here," Charles explained.

"I can't tell ya the amount of carriages and coaches I've seen get overrun when I was a young'un," Helen told them. "Guess that's good for us, assuming these inbred bastards are willing to part with their home, which I'm sure they won't be too pleased about," Arthur continued.

Helen tuned them out, choosing to look around through the trees. It truly was beautiful country, besides its residents, and she recognized the woods from her home.

Maybe...I can go up to O'Creagh's Run one day soon.... "I say we dismount here and follow these fellers on foot, see where they're going," Charles instructed, halting.

The three of them crouched low and hurried forward through the trees. The two Murfrees led them closer to a large cave, and they were quickly killed before they advanced.

"We must be close now, let's stop and have a look from the top of this hill here," Charles told them, leading the way. Sure enough, the large cave was right below them and infested with Murfrees.

"That's the stagecoach that went missing," Charles hissed, looking through his binoculars, then handed them to Arthur. "Jesus...they must be in the cave," he concluded, giving Helen the binoculars.

She cringed at the dead corpses that hung like decorations, making her quickly hand Charles his binoculars. Arthur stood up, looking back at Charles and Helen. "Let's get on with this." Each of them grabbed hold of their rifles in anticipation.

"We can head into the cave, or flush 'em out with dynamite," Charles suggested. Helen then jumped in excitement; "Let's blow their asses up with dynamite! It'll be fun!" she pleaded, switching from Arthur to Charles quickly.

Arthur watched silently as Charles settled her down, his expression unreadable. "Dynamite it is, then."

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