Chapter 26

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It had been a few days since she spoke to her father. Instead of shooting him hateful glares from across the camp, she would either watch him or avoid him entirely.

She spent her time with either Sadie, Arthur or Charles when she felt overwhelmed. "I think you should keep talkin' to him, Helen, it'll make ya feel better," Arthur had advised.

"Didn't think he'd had the balls to admit it - I'd still be careful," Sadie had told her. "Hosea's a good man and he does what he thinks is right - don't shut him out," Charles had said.

Now, Helen was out riding on her own with Daisy, staying near camp. Her other horse, Lotus, had still not returned to camp, which made Helen worried. I can't do much to find her with this sprained ankle anyway.

According to Strauss, she was recovering well but still needed a few days of rest. "Hey, Helen!" She looked up at the new voice, and surprisingly Mary-Beth and Karen were riding up behind her. "I wasn't expectin' to see you two out. Did Grimshaw let you out?" Helen asked.

Karen scoffed while Mary-Beth giggled; "We was gettin' away from Grimshaw!" The three women laughed as they rode together towards the river downhill from camp.

"I was especially gettin' away from that Micah!" Mary-Beth added afterwards. The three of them then groaned in disgust and annoyance at the thought of the blonde man.

"Ever since Arthur got him outta Strawberry, he's been hittin' on every girl in camp!" Karen scoffed, physically shuddering. "Poor Abigail's been harassed the most - John oughta do something!" Mary-Beth gossiped, a hand placed on her chest.

Helen was staring out at the road ahead, her gaze narrowing when she remembered Micah's attempt on her. "I'd rather get railed by a grizzly than do anythin' with Micah," she grumbled.

Mary-Beth and Karen then giggled, exchanging a knowing glance that made Helen frown in confusion. "So, Helen." She turned to look at Karen, who smirked at her.

"Is there anyone you'd like to...'do something' with?" Mary-Beth laughed at Helen's surprised expression, and she looked down shyly. Her face heated up in embarrassment when her mind wandered to Charles, and she bit her lip. "No, of course not," she mumbled, scratching her neck.

"Look, she's blushin'!" Karen teased, and Helen covered her face shyly. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't!" she admitted. "Yah? Like maybe a certain blue-eyed cowboy?" Mary-Beth piped up. What? "Yah, we saw you wearin' his hat, Helen!" Karen jabbed, laughing. Wait...Arthur?!

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