Chapter 59

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Helen hadn't realized just how long Molly O'Shea had been missing until she strolled into Beaver Hollow piss drunk as the gang got settled in. "You're back - how jolly, Ms. O'Shea," Dutch greeted coldly.

"It's Molly, you sack of shit! Who made you the master, the Lord God almighty?!" she yelled. Dutch attempted to calm her down, but she was far from listening.

"I won't be ignored, Dutch van der Linde! I aren't him, I ain't her, or any o' your stooges! You don't owe me nothing, I don't owe you nothing! Nothing!" Helen was tense as she watched the ordeal, one hand unconsciously going to her hip. "I'll spit in your eye! I did! I told them!"

Everyone froze at her words, and Helen's gaze bounced from Arthur, to Sadie and to Charles. "Yah, I told 'em and I'd tell 'em again! Now I've got God's ear!" Dutch approached Molly slowly; "You told who what?!" he demanded. We just got here and now we have to leave again?

"Mr. Milton and Mr. Ross about the bank robbery, and I wanted them to kill you!" Dutch's gun was up and aimed at Molly, so naturally a couple of others did the same.

"I loved you, you goddamn bastard! Go on, shoot me!" Molly cried hysterically. Arthur spoke to Dutch quickly, allowing Helen to move to Charles' side. "I never thought she'd squeal on us," she hissed. "Neither did I - stay calm," he reassured her.

"You know the rules!" Dutch suddenly spat, catching everyone's attention. A gunshot made everyone suddenly jump in fright, and Molly fell dead. "She knew the rules," Susan snarled, her shotgun in hand, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Pearson and Bill then picked up Molly's body and walked off, like nothing had happened. Helen holstered her gun, one hand holding her forehead. "I needa get the hell out of here," she muttered.

"Are you okay?" Helen ignored Charles as she stormed up to her horse, and he followed her closely. She mounted up, looking down at him; "I need to get away from this damn gang, maybe go hunting for a day or two. I need a breather," she told him.

Charles didn't reply, instead he mounted his own horse and looked back at her. "Let's go."


At first, the ride to O'Creagh's Run was silent, the only sound being the horse's hooves and their breathing. Charles rode next to Helen, his hand holding hers in an attempt at comfort.

Soon enough, the familiar lake came into view, and Helen had to slow down when she saw the cabin. "It's still there...." she whispered. She raced forward, taking Charles by surprise, and she sprinted for the cabin.

She leapt off her horse before coming to a proper stop, and she just stood frozen in place. Charles rode up behind her as Helen marveled at her childhood home. "Be careful, my love, don't run off like that," he told her gently.

He turned to look at the cabin, his arm going around her waist. "Is this the place?" Helen nodded slowly and leaned into him when her eyes began to water. "This is it...where I grew up with my mom...." she whispered.

Her eyes suddenly widened in realization, and she turned to look at the lake. "My mom...." Her body moved on its own, leading Charles down to the lakeshore. Her breath hitched when she laid her eyes on the wooden cross.

The two of them slowed as they approached, and Helen bit her lip. Charles lowered his head respectfully, holding Helen close as she silently shed a few tears. I hope you're still proud of me, Mom...I'm surviving and moving forward in the world.

She forced herself to smile, looking to Charles and taking a deep breath. "Come on...let me show you the house."


"Charlie, I'm back!" Helen called. She walked in with a deer carcass over her shoulder. "I was aimin' for a rabbit but this damn thing got in the way," she said, setting it down on a blanket.

She then looked up, realizing she had been talking to herself. "Charlie?" she called again, looking around. She glanced outside, spotting Erin and Taima grazing calmly.

It couldn't have been the Murfrees, they've never come this far into the Grizzlies. Helen hurried outside, scanning for any signs or footsteps left by intruders. There!

She quickly followed a set of footprints down to the lakeshore. Her hunting knife was in her hand when she heard a voice, and she crouched low. However, she slowed when she recognized Charles' deep voice.

She hid behind a boulder, spotting him kneeling in front of her mother's grave. What...? "...and I have you to be grateful for, too, Ms. Matthews, and Hosea," he said quietly. Helen then stood up, leaning on the boulder as she listened.

"You gave me an incredible, fiercely loyal, caring and lively woman. Out of everyone in the gang, she decided to settle for me - a big, ugly, brute of a man with mixed nationalities."

Helen sighed, slowly and quietly advancing towards him. "I promise...I will do my very best to keep her safe and happy and make her feel loved, because she deserves the absolute best."

Helen then smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Charles placed both hands on her arms, turning his head and kissing her cheek. He quickly stood up, taking her in his arms and holding her close. "I never thought, when I joined this gang, that I would find love," he told her softly.

Helen nearly leapt for joy at his words, and she leaned into his palm when he cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Helen Matthews."

"I love you, too, Charles Smith."

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