Chapter 43

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It had been two days since Jack's welcome home party, and Helen made sure to avoid Charles at all costs. She knew it was childish - Sadie, Mary-Beth and even Abigail constantly reminded her. She would catch his gaze every so often from across camp, but she would always look away.

I don't want to talk to him just yet. Helen found herself hanging around Arthur whenever she was bored, and today had been no different. The two of them had been riding around the swamps together, Arthur claiming, "The gators are nasty 'round here, let me come with ya." He definitely hasn't complained about my constant presence.

"So...I noticed you and Charles haven't been hangin' 'round each other." Helen felt her shoulders slump at Arthur's question. Right for the jugular, I guess.... "No, we haven't. Had a little...disagreement, you could say," she mumbled, turning her head away. He thinks we should be friends and I disagreed....

Arthur sighed, staring at the woman beside him longer than he intended. He tried not to feel so hurt, seeing Helen with Charles all the time. Even now, he knew she was just going to him because of her argument with Charles. "I think you oughta talk to him, darlin'. I...I ain't ever seen that man open up and talk to anyone in camp the way he talks to you," he told her.

Helen turned to look at him, surprised at Arthur's words - she was expecting him to say the opposite, truth be told. He offered her a small, awkward smile. "It would be a shame...if y'all turned your backs on each other. He's a good man," he said quietly, his gaze dropping for a moment.

Helen sighed, running a hand through her hair as she stared ahead down the path. "Yah...I guess so. Just needed time to get over my anger, I suppose. It...was a dumb 'argument', anyway," she mumbled with a shrug of her shoulder. Helen didn't know why the atmosphere suddenly turned awkward, and she was hoping it would end soon.

"Well...I'll leave you to it, then. I'm gonna go back to camp and see if somethin' needs to be done," Arthur then said, turning his horse around. He placed his hand on her shoulder, looking deep into her eyes for a moment. "You don't stay out here too long, okay? Can't have my friends gettin' eaten by gators," he told her, a smile on his face.

As he rode away, Arthur couldn't help but lower his head and sag his shoulders in defeat. Guess all we'll ever be is friends....


Helen had stayed out riding almost all day, and she was panting from the thick, humid air. Her horse was also suffering from the heat, keeping her head low and walking slower. Helen reached into her bag and pulled out a canteen of water.

"Here ya go, drink up," she said, stepping down from her horse so she could drink. All too happily the horse lapped at the water as Helen spilled it out like a faucet. She smiled at her mount's eagerness, then turned to look up at the sun. Starting to go down, I should head back. 

Helen let out a sigh, turning back to her horse and mounting her. "Let's go, girl," she mumbled, starting forward. She ran her fingers through the mare's mane, smiling. "I think I'm gonna name you Erin," she told the horse.

She neighed quietly, flicking her head as she raced through the trees. Helen giggled at that; "Why? I don't know, it just sounds like a pretty name, so deal with it." The rest of the ride was spent in silence, however once she returned to camp, she spotted Charles waiting for her.

When she rode into camp, he walked towards her without hesitation. Alright, just relax and don't be nervous. "Helen," he greeted as she dismounted. She sent him a nod, one hand stuffed in her pocket. "What's up?" she asked, her tone sharp.

Charles pursed his lips at that; "Dutch left for the night with a few other boys...he put us in charge," he told her. Helen furrowed her brows in confusion, glancing at camp. "Me?" she echoed. Charles nodded, shifting awkwardly in place.

He, too, glanced back at camp, though at who or what was uncertain. He let out a sigh before advancing on Helen and wrapping his arms around her in an awkward but warm hug.

"I'm sorry if I said or did something that upset you...." he mumbled. His voice was barely audible with his face buried in her hair, but Helen was able to hear him. She sighed in defeat, her arms wrapping around his waist, and she leaned into him. "It's wasn't you," she whispered.

Charles held her a little tighter, his awkwardness melting away. "I feel like it was me...since the other day - " He cut himself off when Helen looked up to meet his gaze. She gave him a soft, gentle smile, with her hair brushed to one side and covering her face slightly.

Her eyes.... They were a vibrant, glowing green, something he didn't notice until that very moment. "It's okay, didn't do anything wrong," she said softly. He swallowed nervously, forcing himself to nod before hugging her again.

I think...calling her a friend just won't do anymore....

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