Flights and Food (Connor's POV)

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Tyler's car was so warm and comfortable and I didn't feel like UK. We had just reached the airport and more excitement was building off of the excitement already inside of me. "Ready Connie Frannie?" Tyler's smile was always so real, that's what makes him so likable. He also has the best laugh ever. Yeah, that too. "Yeah." I say quickly, and a bit hesitantly. Tyler pulls out the keys from his car and opens the door, exiting the car. I look in the rear view mirror and fix my quiff. I then sigh heavily and look myself in the eyes through the mirror. "You're ready." I tell myself aloud. I continued talking to myself about how I could handle this, and then Tyler opens the back seat door to get the suitcases and hears me talking to myself. "Are you okay?" He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Yeah, um..... I'm fine, I guess."

"Connor, don't be nervous."

"I'm not....... I'm just overly excited, that's all."

"Connor, honey, you're gonna lose your mind. I mean, you're already talking to yourself. Only Dan Howell can do that. You're not Dan Howell."

"I can't wait to see everyone."

"Okay good, it's not just Troye." Although it was. It was just Troye.

Airport security was nice. It took slightly under an hour to get through. We now had access to restaurants and stores......finally. "Tyler I really freaking want a PSL."



"Okay first off, you're such a white girl-"

"Shut up." I laugh a little.

"And second, how come I can't say OOTD but you can say PSL?"

"I didn't say you couldn't say OOTD I'm just saying that you could say outfit of the day."

"Well, you could say Pumpkin Spice Latte."

"Oh well." We walk to Starbucks where I got my PSL, oh wait, I mean Pumpkin Spice Latte. While at Starbucks, a girl recognized us and Tyler and I took a picture with her, I literally love our fans.

We had about an hour until our flight, so Tyler and I were just sitting at our gate. He was editing his new video, but I'd decided not to because I didn't really feel like taking out my Mac, and it was a long flight to the UK, so I wanted to save battery so I could edit on the plane. "Connor which font should I use for this caption?" Tyler had asked me a question but it sounded more like a statement. His hands were lively on the keyboard. I pointed at a font on the screen. "This one-"

"CONNOR ARE YOU CRAZY? DON'T TOUCH MY SCREEN!" I immediately pulled away my hand and looked at Tyler to make sure he was laughing and wasn't being serious. "I don't want you markin' up my screen. I hate it when there's fingerprints on my computer screen." I nod. "Understood." I say as if I'm talking to a teacher. I plug my iPhone charger into one of the outlets and charge my phone while I scroll through Instagram, trying to kill time. At this point was when I realized that I had followed a bunch of fan accounts of my own and Troye. I felt like such a loser, but then again, I have fans, which is the coolest freaking thing in the world.

Thirty minutes had passed and I'd finished my Pumpkin Spice Latte, which left me feeling cold and empty. I thought about getting another one, but then I thought about the calories, and how I should try to look good and in shape for tomorrow, rather than looking over weight due to obesity, although it probably wouldn't have that great of an effect on me. I continued to scroll through Instagram for a while, but then I tried to refresh, and no new feed came up, so I proceeded to Tumblr. I then started to feel slightly hungry, or perhaps, just bored.

Tyler and I boarded the plane with no problem and found our seats relatively easier than usual. Right when we found our seats I sat in the window seat and got out my phone for pictures. Tyler looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Judge me." I say to him holding up my phone to the window to take a picture. I took many pictures throughout the flight when we were airborne and they all turned out really nice. I just had to find the picture that was the most Tumblr of them all.

A flight attendant came to our seats and asked us if we wanted anything to eat or drink. Tyler was asleep in his seat and I asked for coffee and some of those really good Delta biscuits. Come on, everyone loves those. The attendant brought back my coffee and biscuits pretty quickly which explained why the coffee wasn't amazing, but still really good. I'd then decided to begin editing my video. Hours flew by without me realizing and soon enough the coffee wasn't keeping me awake any longer. I just decided to put my laptop away and head to sleep.

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