Thinking (Connor's POV)

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The cab ride home was silent for the most part. I'm sure Tyler had taken in plenty of alcohol, and he looked exhausted, and slightly drunk. While the car was driving through the streets, I just looked out of the window, thinking. I'd just come out to so many of my friends, and they were all so supportive. Tonight had been the perfect time to tell everyone. The cab driver then turned on the radio to break the awkwardness in the car. "I really like you" by Carly Rae Jepsen came on. I was thinking about Troye when it came on, coincidence? I think not. I don't really believe in coincidences, I like to think that everything happens for a reason, because if nothing happens for a reason, then why does it happen? I looked to my right and saw Caspar leaned against the window, asleep. Joe was looking through Caspar's window and smiling. Joe is such an awesome person, I'm so glad I met him.

The cab came to a halt outside of Joe and Caspar's apartment complex. Joe shook Caspar's shoulder, waking him up. Tyler got out of the front seat and slouched, looking like a zombie as he walked. Caspar, Tyler, and I walked towards the building, and Joe caught up with us after he paid the driver.

Once we got inside the apartment, Tyler went straight to the guest bedroom to get his pajamas. I sat on the sofa in front of the TV. Joe came over and sat next to me on the couch. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked. "Yeah sure."

"I'll get on Netflix and you can choose what you wanna watch."

"Okay thanks."

"I'm gonna head to sleep though haha."

"Oh okay."

"Alright go get changed, I'll pull up Netflix."

"Mkay." Joe picked up the remote on the round table in front of the TV and started to push buttons on it. I began to walk towards the guest bedroom.

When I reach the guest bedroom door, I knock on it three times. Tyler responds with a tired moan, almost as if he were saying "Let me sleep". I push the door open and the lights are off, and he's tucked into the covers. I dig through my suitcase and get my pajamas. I then walk back through the door and into the bathroom to change. I usually don't even sleep with a shirt on, but I figured that since I'm at someone else's house I should probably look presentable, and I could always take off my shirt once I'm in the bed. I begin to change in the bathroom and once I'm done I look at myself in the mirror. I then splash water on my face, and dry it off with a towel. That felt good.

Joe was still on the sofa when I got back into the living room. Netflix was pulled up on the TV and he got up and began to walk towards me. "TV's all yours." He walked passed me pressing the remote into my chest as he went by. "Good night!" He yelled once in his room. "Good night!" I yelled back. I heard Tyler mumble "good night" and I'm sure Caspar was passed out already because he was the only one who didn't respond. I held the remote in my hand for a while, thinking about what I should watch. 'Maybe one of Troye's movies', I thought to myself. I ended up getting off of Netflix and onto the YouTube app downloaded on their TV. I started watching all of Troye's videos. I felt so stalkerish and weird, but these videos made me smile. God I really like him. But, why do I like someone I barely see in person? There's a difference between knowing someone, and just knowing about someone. It was this kinda stuff that just kept me thinking.

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