Fancy & Dancy (Connor's POV)

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So. Much. Sweat. 

Why was I nervous?

It was like a dance party.....

'Calm down Connor.'

Chill out

'It's not like it's only Troye and I.........there's others.'

It'll be okay,


In the taxi ride to "Intricate & Lavish" I was constantly fidgeting and licking my lips. Mainstream nervous habits. I looked at Troye, who seemed super calm. 'God', I thought to myself, 'why can't someone say something to calm my nerve?' Caspar and Joe took a taxi back to their apartment so it was Tyler, Zoe, Alfie, Louis, Troye, and me. Zoe wasn't vlogging, but the car ride was pretty long, so I figured she'd get her camera out later. I'd glanced at the GPS that the taxi driver was using, and it said that we would reach our destination for forty five minutes. It was already eight thirty, so it was dark outside. 

Ten minutes passed.........

Another ten minutes.........

Another ten minu- "So, we're almost at 'Intricate & Lavish!'" Zoe's voice called out. I think everyone was shocked at hearing her speak so loud because it had been quiet for so long. Zoe continued to speak. "The boys look so handsome!" She pointed the camera towards everyone in the car, showing off what we were all wearing. Zoe was wearing a beautiful lightish pink dress with the upper half jewelled. Everyone looked amazing in my opinion, and even though I was mad at Tyler, he looked really good too. He was wearing a dark purple tuxedo, which probably only he could pull off. Alfie was wearing a black and white tuxedo as well as Louis. 

When we were five minutes away, Joe called Zoe, but Zoe kept her phone off of speaker so only she could hear what Joe was saying. Zoe was sitting in the front, and I was directly behind her, so I could hear what Joe was saying. The first thing Joe said was, "Can you please not put the phone on speaker?" and she replied, "Yeah, no problem." After hearing this, I became more interested in what Joe had to say to her. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but it was kind of hard to not hear what he was saying since Zoe was directly in front of me. Joe began to speak again, "Okay look, I was hesitant to ask this, but I'm sure you know that I was sort of uneasy about going to this dance party thing."

"Yeah? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, shhhhh don't make it seem like you're concerned I don't want anyone in the taxi to think something is wrong."


"I just feel kind of weird going to this party date....I guess." Zoe just laughed.

"Joe! You don't nee-"

"Zoe. I mean you have Alfie, and Jim has Tanya, and like Marcus has Niomi, and you know how it goes."

"No one else is going with anyone else."

"I don't know it just feels weird."

"Joe you'll be fine, don't think too hard about it." Zoe leaned forward in the seat to say, "Maybe you'll meet someone there, who knows? This is just supposed to be for fun, Joe."

The taxi then pulled up into the Intricate & Lavish parking lot. "Joe, I have to go I'll see you soon." Zoe ended the call, and to my surprise, no one asked about the call. 

This place was definitely bigger than the Men's Warehouse we went to. It was maybe ten times that size. It also looked really nice from the outside, so I couldn't imagine what was on the inside. All of us got out of the taxi except for Zoe, who was paying the driver. I was kind of holding a grudge against Joe for saying what he did to Zoe. I mean, yeah, he doesn't have a girlfriend, but he's with all of his really good friends. Isn't that good enough? There doesn't always have to be someone you "like" to have a good time. 

Upon entering the building, Marcus, Niomi, Tanya, and Jim greeted us. We exchanged "Hello's" and hugs, and then they told us that they came together and that they'd only gotten there a couple minutes ago. The place was breathtakingly beautiful. Chandeliers, champagne, gourmet food, and a crap ton of people. "Drag Me Down" by One Direction was playing when we walked in, and everyone was just dancing in super expensive clothing and having a good time. It looked fun too. I suddenly didn't feel so nervous. I wasn't sweating because I was nervous anymore, I was sweating because I was hot. Like in the literal sense. Maybe I was hot though......I don't know. The things my viewers comment on my videos.......

I looked over at Troye, who was still taking in how amazing the place looked. This place was kind of like a club, although I guess they played slow songs as well, and the lighting was slightly more romantic. I was just ready to get this night started.

Louis agreed to wait for Joe and Caspar at the door, and then meet up with us, so the rest of us joined everyone dancing on the dance floor. "Drag Me Down" was almost over, so we all danced as much as we could, savoring the last bits of the song. 

After dancing, I was pretty thirsty, so I went over to the table filled with brilliantly cooked food and looked around for something to drink. I found some red punch and decided to try some. I picked up a plastic cup from the stack and filled it up with the punch. Sipping on my drink, I turned back around to face the dance floor and saw a girl talking to Troye. I decided to watch from afar for a while. They seemed to be having a pretty healthy conversation, but I noticed that she was flirtatiously touching Troye on the shoulder and forearm. Even though Troye was gay, this still made me mad. The girl took Troye's hand in hers and said something that I couldn't hear. Troye responded to her, and then I watched as the girl yelled at him and pushed him backwards, hard. She then walked away angrily. Troye looked really hurt so I ran up to him to ask what had just happened. "Troye!" I was directly in front of him. "Is everything okay? I saw that girl push you." Troye was looking at the ground. He looked really sad. "Hey," I placed my hand on his shoulder until he looked back up at me. "That girl," he started, "she came up to me and said hi."


"And she was really nice, she asked me about myself, and I asked her about herself."


"I thought she just wanted to be friends."


"But she asked me if I had a girlfriend."

"And what did you say?"

"And I said, no, I'm actually gay."


"And she yelled 'EW' and called me a 'freak'"

"Oh my-"

"And then she pushed me." Troye looked back down at the ground. He opened his mouth to speak again. "I'm gonna go sit for a while." 

"Okay." He walked to sit in one of the really nice booths by himself. 'Freak.' I thought to myself. 'He did nothing to deserve to be called that.' I looked around to find somewhere to put down my punch. I needed to talk to Troye, he shouldn't have been called out for doing absolutely nothing. It was so rude of that girl to say that to him. I ended up just throwing away my cup of punch because I didn't have anywhere else to put it. "Toxic" by Britney Spears had just ended and "Like I Can" by Sam Smith came on. I looked over at Troye, who was sitting alone. He wasn't a freak. I wasn't gonna let him think he was either. I walked over to him. The song was perfect. The timing was perfect. I got really close to Troye before him noticing me and looking up. I picked up his hands with each of mine and pulled him out of the booth and onto the dance floor. "Connor what are you doing?" he asked me. "I want to dance with you." I took Troye further into the dance floor and we slow danced the best we could to the song. Troye laughed. "Connor why are you doing this?" I spun Troye around and our faces met, we were only a centimeter away. "Because I like you." Troye smiled and blushed. "I like you too." "Like I Can" was ending, and kissing Troye right now would be perfect, so I leaned in, and so did he. And RIGHT when we were about to kiss, Tyler interrupted. "WELL HELLO!" he yelled. Troye and I jerked apart. "Let's dance." Tyler said smiling a fake smile. Troye and I exchanged glances and just shrugged it off. "Yeah Tyler, let's dance." I said. 

Fast paced dance music started playing and so the rest of our friends joined us on the dance floor. We were all horrible at dancing, but we were having a good time, and that's all that mattered. 'What a night," I thought, "What. A. Night."

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