Night at Zoe's (Connor's POV)

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I was so tired, but I was also really happy. Tired and happy. A really good mix. 

Zoe's house was beautiful. She put up a bunch of fairy lights around the fireplace under the TV, and her couches were extremely comfortable. There was one huge blanket on the three seated couch in the middle of the room and it was super soft. The design was also really nice, some kind of brown curvy lined pattern. 

"We're watching 'Now and Then'." Zoe announced to all of us. There were so many YouTubers in one room it was unbelievable. Louis, Alfie, Caspar, Joe, Tyler, Zoe, Tanya, Jim, Troye, and me. "YES! THAT'S MY MOVIE!" Tyler yelled. Zoe and Tyler then began to sing together. "KNOCK THREE TIMES ON THE CEILING IF YOU WANT ME!" Everyone else started laughing and Zoe and Tyler continued to sing until they got to a certain point in the song. "TWICE ON THE PIPE!" Zoe yelled. "No! It's twice on the bike." Zoe and Tyler began to argue about who was right until Alfie just ended up looking up the lyrics. It was twice on the pipe. 

"Everyone get all comfy." Zoe said, her face lighting up. She really did like this movie. I, of course, rushed over to where Troye was sitting before Tyler could. Troye grabbed the big blanket and threw it over the two of us. We were sitting on the middle sofa, so Zoe and Alfie squeezed in next to me and Troye. Troye and I were on the left, and Alfie and Zoe were on the right. I felt so close to Troye, and it was really nice. Zoe pushed the home button on her phone to check the time before pushing play on the remote, so when she did I looked over to see the time. "10:03", 'Wow,' I thought, 'time is flying.' 

The movie started, and it was really different than what I thought it would be. I felt like it was the kind of movie that would bore me, so I decided to try to make things interesting. It was really dark except for the TV screen, so I could make a move right now. 'Okay Con,' I said in my head, 'you've done this before, well- sort of. Okay you held Troye's hand, you can do that again......right? Errrr I don't wanna rush anything.' I looked at Troye and he looked back at me and smiled. We were literal centimeters away from each other. Our arms were rubbing against each other and our legs were touching under the blanket. I flexed my foot under the blanket to stretch it, and it accidentally touched Troye's. It was in no way intentional. I looked around the room and saw Louis laying on the floor in front of the TV with a pillow, Tanya and Jim sitting next to Caspar on another sofa, Tyler on his own little couch, and Joe in the kitchen doing something. No one seemed to notice anything. It was obvious to Troye that my foot touched his, so he didn't ignore it. He rubbed his foot against mine and I laughed a little bit, but it was only loud enough for Troye to hear. I turned to face him again and he smiled. As always. I opened my mouth to speak, but made sure Troye was the only one that could hear me. Our eyes were locked and I said, "I really like you." There was a slight pause. 'Dammit Connor, you could've said you wanted to date him or something.' But then I figured that what I said what just fine. Troye said back quietly, "I like you too." It was at that moment I felt the beanie still on my head, my soft sweater on Troye rubbing against me, and my heart beating like crazy. After that, I didn't hesitate to grab his left hand with my right, and put my left arm around him. Troye leaned onto my shoulder and squeezed my right hand tightly with his left. "I really do, like you too." he said to me, as I felt breathless. 

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