Franta Family (Connor's POV)

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I'd booked my flight to Minnesota in the early hours of the AM after locking myself in the guest room. Now I was on the plane back to America. I paid extra for a direct flight, I wasn't in the mood to make any stops. My eyes were still burning from last night. 

Laurelle had driven me to the airport. Troye didn't come along. I didn't even say bye to him. 

Now tears were starting to form in my eyes again from thinking about what had happened at the party. The person in the seat next to me noticed this, but didn't ask if I was okay. I'm pretty sure they thought it was weird for a grown man to be crying. 

'Go to sleep, Connor.' I told myself in my head. 'Sleep will help.'

And I tried, I really did. Nothing seemed to work though. I thought about everything Troye and I had done together. And the beanie. That damn beanie. I left it on the bed in the guest room of Troye's house, in the very center. No note or anything, the message would probably be self explanatory to Troye. 

It was a really soft beanie. 

I closed my eyes again, and this time, I found myself falling asleep. Over thinking helps, I guess.

I'd slept through most of the flight, since when I woke up there was only forty three minutes left before I would be landing in Minnesota. I opened the plane window and looked outside at the clouds. It seemed as if it were about to rain. 

When I finally reached the airport, I was greeted by both of my parents and my sister, Nicola. This was so refreshing. I gave everyone a hug and soon realized that I was fighting tears again. "Connor?" Nicola cocked her head slightly. "I'm just....really happy to see all of you." My voice cracked while speaking. "I'm also really tired, and emotional I guess." My family giggled and came in for a group hug. 

The car ride was silent. It was comfortable though. It had also started raining. Nicola was listening to music through her phone. My mom was looking out the window, and my dad was focused on driving. I put headphones on and listened to music while watching raindrops hit the window to calm me down. "ILYSB" by LANY came on my playlist. I skipped it. 

Upon entering my house, I was greeted by Pre, then my brothers.

The rest of my day was spent drinking coffee and watching movies. It was nice. I felt so relaxed here. 

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