Fortunate (Connor's POV)

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He was holding a bouquet of flowers. He was wearing a black tuxedo, and looking stunning. His hair was curly and fell over his forehead at just the right spot. His eyes were shining blue like the ocean. His lips were cherry red. He began to smile, showing his pearly white teeth. There were yellow and white flowers petals falling, making the scene look as if it was snowing.

Flawless doesn't exist, but he gave it a definition.

I began to walk down the-

"THUMP!" The remote had fallen off of the couch. I looked around the room. Troye was asleep next to me on the sofa, again. 'It was a dream?' I thought. I bent over the sofa to grab my phone off of the coffee table. Checking the time, I sighed and sunk back into the sofa. "3:47 AM" I stared at the ceiling and thought about the UK. Waking up early. Troye kissing me. The little innocent, secret love we had going on.

I looked at Troye, fast asleep on the sofa. His hair was draped over his forehead, I guess I could say at just the right spot. His eyes and mouth closed, breathing ever so slightly.

I thought about this little secret that we had. Troye was my boyfriend. Tronnor was a "thing" now. Tronnor was becoming a bigger ship that Troyler. Comment sections were going insane. Tumblr was going insane. But maybe that was okay.

I felt time creep by me. When I checked my phone a second time, it said "4:03 AM". I honestly just wanted it to be morning so I could spend more time with this boy who drove me wild.

Still staring at the ceiling, I finally decided to close my eyes and try to sleep for another few hours. This, surprisingly worked, and I fell asleep faster than expected.

I woke up to Troye getting up and folding the blanket he was using at nine twenty-one AM. I sat up and stretched, watching Troye look at me and smile. "Good morning Troye Boy." I said to him. "Good morning Con Da Bon." I yawned and stood up from the sofa. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth really quick." Troye said to me. I looked at him, puzzled. "Don't you want to eat some breakfast first?" I asked, laughing a little. "No, I do this weird thing where like, I have to brush my teeth within the first ten minutes of me waking up." I laughed. "Like, I don't know why, and I know it makes no sense, but I do it anyway." I nodded to him while fixing the pillows on the sofa. "Okay." I said to him, sarcastically.

I made some pancakes, two cups of coffee, and put out the maple syrup on the breakfast table while Troye was brushing his teeth. I also quickly made some scrambled eggs, and put out the orange juice. Troye soon joined me and he sat across from me as we ate. "So," I began to say, "how's the music stuff coming along?"

"Pretty good, we finished one song yesterday, actually."


"Yeah, do you wanna know about it, or do you want it to be a surprise?"

"I wanna know about it."

"Okay, so it's called 'Ease', and Broods actually came into the studio to record it with me, and it was amazing."

"Are you serious? That's awesome!"

Troye looked down at his scrambled eggs and poked at them, as if it were a nervous habit. "Yeah, it was really great."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You just seem kind of nervous....I guess."

"Well, yeah, because there's something about this song that I wanna tell you."

"What is it?"



"It's kind of, about my family, and everything that makes me happy, and it's also partially about you."


"Yeah, I got the name and the chorus because I just thought about how you made me feel at ease."

"Well, Troye." I took a pause for dramatic effect. "You drive me wild."

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