Let's Prank Tyde (Connor's POV)

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Today Troye wanted to be a little shit. But he was a cute little shit, so it was okay. 

Troye and I were both up at eight thirty three, and Troye was ready for action. The two of us sat in the kitchen awaiting breakfast after Troye brushed his teeth. I observed as Tyde left the house with Laurelle. Troye and I were both still sitting at the empty breakfast table pretending to want breakfast, although I didn't know we were pretending. 

Right when the door shut behind Tyde, Troye sprung up from his chair and told me to get changed. I hesitated only slightly, and proceeded to ramble through my suitcase to look for some clothes. 

"So Tyde is out for breakfast at the moment." Troye explained, panting. "And I checked the shipping of his Apple Watch, which should be here....." At that very moment I kid you not the doorbell rang. "Now." Troye's mischievous grin stretched from one end of his face to the other. 

Troye and I answered the door together, and Troye signed the paper thing that the man at the door was holding.

He needed to be slick about this prank, but then again, it was Troye. 

Troye took the watch out of the box, filled it with fruit, and hid the box under a rice hat by his pool. "So here's what's gonna happen," Troye told me his whole plan to accidentally drop the Apple Watch into the pool with as many details as he could. I laughed, only because of how into it Troye was. 

While we waited for Tyde to come back home, Troye and I filmed the first part of his prank video, which was just him explaining what was going to be happening. 

When Tyde finally arrived home, the chase was on. 

Tyde rushed into his house. He knew the watch had arrived. Troye ran up to Tyde, filming. "Tyde, your Apple Watch is here, but you gotta find it!" Tyde freaked out and began pacing around the house looking for his watch. I offered to film for Troye and continued to observe the chaos that was the Mellet family.

Troye finally picked up the watch from under the rice hat and proceeded to run and "accidentally" drop it into the pool. The best part of it was that Tyde wasn't that angry about the whole situation. 

When Tyde finally opened the box to find the fruit, all of us lost our minds. There were tears from laughter. 

Oh the joy that this family gave me. 

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