Disbelief (Connor's POV)

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I woke up suddenly after I felt myself snore louder than I'd ever snored in my entire life. Reaching to unplug my phone from the charger, I remembered what happened last night. 'God dammit Tyler,' I sighed, 'why is this happening all of a sudden?' Tyler really was one of my best friends. I loved making collabs with him and just hanging out with him, and even though the fight we had last night was stupid, I didn't think our friendship would be the same if things carried on with Troye. The time was 9:30 AM. I sat up on the bed and pulled up Instagram on my phone to unfollow Tyler. 'This is such a dick move.' I thought. I still unfollowed him anyway. I scrolled through Instagram for a while before realizing that Tyler wasn't in his bed. 'He woke up before me today?' I got out of bed and actually took my toothbrush out of my suitcase. 

Walking to the bathroom, I was greeted by Joe and Caspar in the kitchen sitting at the breakfast table with Troye and Tyler. "Connor," Joe started, "put a shirt on!" I laughed because I knew he was joking and I also noticed that Troye wouldn't stop staring at me and smiling. Tyler started a new conversation so Troye would avert his eyes away from me and onto him, but as Tyler was talking, Troye was still looking at me smiling. I smiled back, still gripping my toothbrush. Troye winked at me. 'Oh my god he didn't...' I thought. I winked back at him and began to walk to the bathroom quickly before anyone noticed how red I was turning. 

After brushing, I went back to the guest room and actually did put a shirt on. I also put some jeans on with a few rips by the knees and some nice, comfortable dress shoes. I had a sweater that I was going to wear over the shirt, but I decided to wait until we were actually about to go out. I then went to the kitchen, after taking forever to get ready. "Hey Con, grab a plate off the counter a join us." I smiled at Joe and nodded. "Haha okay." Troye looked up at me and half smiled before looking back down to his food. As I pulled out a chair to the breakfast table Tyler got up. "I'm gonna go get ready." he said as he walked away. He still had some bacon on his plate so he wasn't really done. I felt guilty because I knew why he got up and left, but no one else seemed to mind. Troye began to speak, "So we were talking about how we want to go out into the Brighton Festival and meet up with Zoe, Alfie, and everyone else." Caspar continued to eat his pancakes and Joe nodded. "Yeah that sounds like fun." I responded. "What time are we planning on going?" Caspar asked while taking another bite out of his pancakes. The question was directed towards Joe, so Troye and I remained silent. Joe drank some orange juice and looked back at Caspar. "Maybe around noon," Joe then pushed the home button on his phone to check the time, "it's 10:03 right now so that gives everyone plenty of time to get ready. Especially Tyler." Everyone at the breakfast table laughed, but I had to pretend like I was laughing. 

I went back to the guest room to find my sweater, but instead found Tyler on his laptop with headphones on. When I walked in we made eye contact, but I soon broke it and proceeded to open my suitcase. When I turned around, Tyler was walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. I sighed, although I didn't feel bad, I was mad at him. Feeling slightly curious, I wanted to see what Tyler was doing on his laptop, so I walked over to it. I saw that it was something at DigiTour 2014, where Tyler and Troye were sharing the stage. I put the headphones on and played the video from where Tyler had paused it. It was pretty close to the end of the video, at five minutes and fifty four seconds, and Troye was counting to three, and then.......

He kissed Tyler.

I was shocked, and upset, and sad, and every negative emotion you could think of. The worst part of all was that they seemed to enjoy the kiss. Tyler especially, but it's not like it was just a kiss for the fans. It was a real kiss. I shut the laptop and put the headphones back where they were left. 'Tyler purposely left that video for me to find.' I thought. Tyler was really trying to get me away from Troye. I felt some tears welling up in my eyes. I tried to blink them away, but they came down. All of a sudden, Caspar walked into the guest room. "Hey man change of plans we're actually leaving at one." I made the mistake of facing Caspar. He saw my red face, and my tears. "Connor? What happened?" Caspar knelt beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I told Caspar how I felt about Troye and explained how Tyler liked Troye as well. I told him everything about what happened during the movie, and how I'd already told Joe. I even showed him the DigiTour 2014 video. The only thing I didn't tell him about was the fight with Tyler. Caspar definitely made me feel a lot better, and I was pretty mad at myself for not telling him about Troye earlier. "Just please don't tell Tyler or Troye about any of this please." I begged. "You don't need to worry about that man. I won't say anything." I nodded with appreciation. 'Thanks Caspar.'

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