Change of Location (Troye's POV)

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The hotel I was staying at was great, but I was really excited to stay with Joe and Caspar in their flat. Not to mention that Tyler and Connor are there as well. I actually felt as if my relationship with Connor had begun to grow stronger since that night he came out at the restaurant. It's almost as if I felt like........I had feelings for him. 'No.' I told myself. 'Connor is one of my best friends, I don't want to ruin that.' I walked into the clean hotel bathroom to wash my face and take a good look at myself. 'Tyler obviously likes me......wouldn't he be devastated if I were to date Connor?' I splashed water in my face again. It's not like washing your face really helps with anything though. I mean, washing my face only makes me feel like the moment I'm living in more dramatic than it already is, like I'm acting in a movie or something. This wasn't "Spud", this was real life. And life, needs to be lived. 

Joe was coming to pick me up an hour from now, so I decided to start getting my stuff together and maybe just watch some TV to pass the rest of the time. I hadn't actually watched real TV in the longest time, so this was going to be a real throw back for me. 

I first started by packing my toothbrush and toothpaste into a travel size pouch that fitted right into my carry on bag. Then I opened the closet and took out my clothes, shoes, etcetera. I got my Mac charger, phone charger, Mac, phone, and pretty much everything else that was my property and packed it into my suitcase. I wore a navy blue t-shirt that looked extremely large on me because of how skinny I was, and squeezed into my black jeans, followed by my girl's black converse shoes. So yeah, I looked pretty tight. 

The TV remote was located on a high dresser next to the TV. Doesn't that totally ruin the purpose of a remote? Putting it right next to the TV? It looked so isolated and abandoned, as if no one had touched it in the longest time. I walked to the dresser and grabbed the remote, pushing the power button in the action. The TV flashed on and the first thing I heard was the laugh of Spongebob on full volume. "JESUS!" I screamed and turned the volume down. 'Spongebob is still a show?' I thought as the volume was turned to a more comforting sound. 'Wow, I've really been missing out on a lot.' I glanced over at the digital alarm clock on the night stand, noticing that Joe and Caspar were supposed to be over in about thirty minutes. I changed the channel to ABC Family and this show called "The Fosters" was on, which seemed pretty good, so I kept it on. 

Before I knew it, time had flown by, and half an hour had passed. I pushed the power button on the remote, and instead of placing it on the dresser, placed it on the nightstand for the next person's leisure. I gathered my belongings and began to walk to the door, phone in my left hand, room key in my right hand. 

Upon my arrival in the lobby, I heard a tri-tone come from my phone. It was from Caspar, "We're outside." I replied back, "Okay, I'm coming," and headed went to the front desk to quickly check out and return my room key. Once outside, I was greeted with a brightly colored taxi with Caspar waving in the passenger seat. I smiled and waved back as I walked with my luggage. Connor was the first to exit the taxi and offer to help with my bags. "Hey Troye," Connor said with a smile. 'God that smile.' I thought. 'Dammit Troye, stop.' I grinned and replied "Hey." Joe and Caspar got out next at the same time, and then followed by Tyler. No one was too excited to see me because I seen them just the other night. Connor's shiny black dress shoes rubbed against my converse as he took my heaviest bag. I wasn't sure if he noticed, but I definitely did. He lifted the suitcase and put it into the trunk of the taxi, and as he did, the vein in his next struck. 'Damn..' I smiled without even realizing. Soon I felt a hand pat me on my arm. It was Joe. "What's up man? Looking at something worth smiling at?" I blushed slightly. "What? No...I guess I just zoned out...." 

"Really? Because it certainly looked as if you were staring at Connor."

" I think I was just.....looking off into the distance...."

"Oh, okay...."

My hands got sweaty. I didn't want anyone to know how I felt. I didn't even know how I felt. This was all just too much to think about right now. Tyler and Caspar came to me and gave me a side hug. Tyler was blushing like crazy. 'No offense Tyler,' I thought to myself, 'but you make it really obvious you like me sometimes.' My thought was then overridden. 'Well, maybe he thinks I like him, I guess I shouldn't be putting blame on anyone.' Once everything was in the car, the five us packed into the taxi. I sat in the back on the right. Connor was in the middle, Tyler on the left, and Joe shoved into the far left corner. Connor's arm was rubbing against mine, which gave me goose bumps. Connor definitely felt this because he then asked, "Are you cold Troye?" I looked at him and found that he was looking back at me. our faces were literally an inch away. "Yeah a little chilly." Connor then took off his soft black jacket and handed it to me. "Here," he said, "wear this, it'll keep you warm." I smiled and took the jacket. Yeah it kept me warm, but it was Connor's jacket. What if I really did like Connor..?

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