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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





(Warning: This chapter has physical abuse and sexual abuse mentioned in details.)

A young teen around the age of sixteen was lying on his bed in the fetal position crying. His uncle had just beaten him for something that Dudley had done. Dudley had been upset that one of his favorite shows had been canceled and punched the t.v. Harry had been upstairs working on his chores. His uncle had come home and saw that the t.v was broken. He demanded Dudley to tell him what had happened. Instead of telling the truth Dudley told his father that he was watching t.v and Harry had come down stairs and punched the t.v. Vernon's face had turned a violent shade of purple.

He walked up stairs to see that Harry was cleaning the bathroom. He grabbed his nephew by his neck and dragged him to his room. A frightened Harry was wondering what he had done wrong. When they reached his room he threw Harry in.

"What did you think that you were doing punching my t.v, Freak?" His uncle hissed.

"I-i didn't p-p-punch the t.v." Harry stuttered.

"Are you calling Dudley a liar, boy?" He asked angrily.

Without waiting for a response he punched Harry in the face. The teen landed on the floor with a loud thud. He bit back a whimper of pain.

"Pull off your shirt." Vernon commanded.

Harry did as he was told. He knew what would happen if he didn't. His uncle stared at his scared body. He drank in everything knowing he was the one to cause it. He licked his lips and wished he had time to play.

"Now turn around." He told Harry as he started to take off his belt.

Harry turned around and braced himself for the pain. His uncle whipped his back until the metal from the buckle cut him enough to make him bleed. Harry didn't scream knowing that he would get a longer beating. His uncle then took out a pocket knife and reopened the word FREAK on his abused back. He walked out of Harry's room.

(Two weeks later on Harry's birthday)

It was midnight and Harry was awake.

"Happy Birthday to me." Harry whispered softly to himself.

He was now seventeen and he was still a puppet to Dumblefuck, still a prisoner to his uncle and he wanted to be free. Suddenly a blinding pain engulfed Harry. A green light filled the room. Harry felt as if white hot pokers were stabbing every inch of his body. He bit his lip to keep himself from screaming and ended up making it bleed. After what seemed like forever the pain stopped and Harry fell unconscious.

"Boy get up those freaks are here to pick you up." A nasal voice from downstairs said.

Harry slowly walked down the stairs. He saw that it was Bill, Remus, and Sirius. He smiled when he saw them.

"Hey Harry." Bill said and hugged Harry.

All three frowned when Harry flinched.

"Go get your things cub." Remus said while trying to figure out what was wrong with Harry.

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