New School

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.


When Harry arrived at school he was being stared at by most of the school's population. He was starting to panic when he put up his mask. He pulled off his helmet and pulled out a green ribbon from his jean pocket and tied his hair in a low tight ponytail. Harry secured his bike and helmet with magic before walking to the office.

"Excuse me madam, my name is Harry Black I'm a new student here." He said to the secretary.

"Oh yes here is your schedule and a map of the school."

"Thank you." Harry left the office.

As soon as he stepped out a short girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes appeared in front of him. "Hi, I am Jessica Stanley."

"Harry Black."

Harry was disgusted by the way she fluttered her eyes. She was so obvious in flirting that it was sick.

"Would you like me to show you around?"

"No thank you I will manage." With that he left leaving Jessica in shock.

The Cullens had arrived when Harry was in the office. Jasper was pissed to see Jessica flirt with his mate. They were all relieved when he rejected Jessica's offer. He knew that getting his mate would be hard. He was worried when he saw that Harry kept flinching every time someone had come close to him.

"Rose, look at Harry." She did and also noticed the flinching. She frowned and wondered why.

Harry looked at his schedule and saw that he had art. He was the first one to arrive in class. The teacher pointed to four seats in the back near the window and he sat at the desk next to the window facing the front. Harry took out his sketch pad. He was drawing Hogwarts. It was the front of the school. It was drawn as if someone was looking down. Rose, Jasper, and Emmett were also in art first period. When they walked into the classroom they noticed Harry was at their seats.

Jasper sat next to Harry. Emmett sat in the seat across from Jasper, and Rosalie sat in the last seat.

"Good morning Harry." Emmett said while Harry jumped.

He didn't notice them. He stared up at them with wide eyes.

"G-good morning." He picked up his sketch pad he had dropped.

Emmett just laughed. Harry went back to drawing. Jasper frowned when he felt Harry's fear. Everyone was staring at Harry and he started to panic. He took a deep breath and he calmed down. The class began when the teacher had walked back into the classroom.

(The Burrow)

Dear Dad,

Bill, Remus, Sirius, Harry, and us are in America. DO NOT TELL MOLLY. Molly, Ronald, and Ginevra are not who you think they are. Molly has been giving you love potions and they are trying to get Harry to marry Ginevra so they can get his money when they kill him. Dumbles is in on it too. Charlie and Percy know. That was why Charlie never comes over and Percy apologized to you and not Molly. Dumbles pays them and Granger to be nice to Harry. Molly to be the mother figure, Ronald and Granger to be friends, and Ginny to be a friend then wife. Please come to America. The port-key is the letter. To activate say Spoons. You will understand why spoons when you get here.

With love,

Fred and George

He quickly packed his things. He wrote a letter saying he wanted a divorce and Ron and Ginny to be disowned. He now knew why he felt that something wasn't right and the twins' letter made him realize what.

"Spoons." He felt a tug at his navel and disappeared.

(Forks High school)

The next class Jasper and Rosalie had Calculus with Harry. Jasper had tried to talk to him but Harry was too shy and frightened. He didn't want to have Harry to be scared of him. He wanted to be with him. Rosalie wanted Jasper to be happy and was pissed when Harry wouldn't talk. She was pissed and wanted to know why he was being rude. She had forgotten all about the flinching.

Harry's next class was gym which he had with Edward and Alice. He made sure to stay away from them. He didn't know them. He was too scared to find out what they were like. He didn't like how Edward kept trying to get into his mind. He knew Edward was frustrated, but he didn't like it when people entered his mind. It was his mind dammit. Finally the bell rang. It was time for lunch. Harry went outside and ate his lunch.


"Where is he?" Jasper demanded.

"I don't know. He ran off after class." Alice said.

Jasper's face fell. Rose was getting sick of Jasper being upset about Harry who didn't care. She stood up to find him.

She walked towards the strange scent that belonged to Harry. He was sitting at the table in front of the school. He was drawing again. She walked over to him and sat down.

"Why are you ignoring my brother?" She demanded.

Harry jumped and fell off the bench, hitting his head on the ground. He whimpered in pain. Harry then stared up fearfully at Rose. He picked up his things and ran to his next class leaving a confused vampire.

(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter house)

Arthur landed in front of a beautiful house. Sirius was outside polishing his motorcycle.

"Good afternoon Arthur." He greeted.

"Good afternoon Sirius."

"How did you get here?" Sirius asked.

"The twins set a letter and the letter was a portkey."

"Oh, come inside." Arthur followed him inside.

The six men spent the time getting Arthur his room and a place where he can play with muggle things. After that they were talking about getting jobs.

"I can get a job at the local library, Sirius can work at his cousins garage, and Bill can stay here and do whatever." Remus said.

"I can get a job at the police station and do something with paperwork." Arthur said.

"We will stay at the lab and continue to invent new things and send them to Lee to sell at the shop." Fred said seeing as his twin fell asleep next to him.

(After school)

The rest of the day went well. Jasper was in the rest of his classes. Harry was again avoiding him. Jasper had found out what Rose had done and was mad at her for confronting his mate and concerned for Harry. He was going to ask Carlisle for advice. As soon as the bell rang Harry went to his motorcycle. Harry took out the ribbon, because he didn't want to lose it. He hopped on his bike and went home. When he came home he saw Arthur.

"I am glad you had gotten the letter." Arthur pulled Harry into a tight hug which caused him to flinch.

Arthur frowned. "Me too Harry, me too."

Harry went inside to do homework. Arthur went to find someone to tell him why Harry was flinching.

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