Gifts and a Date

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.





(La Push)

Fred had called ahead to let them know he was dropping off some gifts from Harry before he and Jacob hung out. Billy told him to come to his house. He soon arrived. Jacob was waiting outside for him. The younger male smiled and went to him.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." He got out of his car and went over to his mate and kissed him. "I missed you."

"I missed you as well." He said.

"Help me get these bags inside." He said.


Together the two grabbed the bags and took them inside. The two distributed the gifts. They then sat down on the couch since it was the only one free. Each opened their gifts. Fred watched their reactions and looked to see what Harry had gotten them.

For Billy he had gotten him tickets to a football game and a few wood carving books. He also gave the man a new carving knife and wood from three different magical trees. Moon wood, Sun wood, and dragon wood were said to make the carvings very powerful and Harry knew Billy wanted to help protect his tribe and Forks. This was a way to do so. Fred had seen these and explained that to Billy. The old man smiled.

"Please send my thanks to Harry. These are great gifts." He said.

"I will." The redhead promised.

Harry had given Jacob a book on wolf shifters, a cookbook, and a few photos Harry had taken. Fred noticed that he gave all the wolves a book on wolf shifters. Sam was given a book on alphas. The others he had given them books on subjects they were interested in. Seth was given a personal handwritten book. Fred snickered when he saw that it was a book on Translating Luna's unique language to English. He was going to need it.

"How did Harry know that I had been making surfboards?" Quil asked as he held up a guide to making different types of surfboards.

"He just does. He's very observant and can learn so much from just a small conversation." Fred said. "Heck it took him no time at all to tell Fred and George apart."

"Oh." Quil blinked. "Wow."

"That's Harry." He said.

"We'll have to thank him next time he's here." Sam said as he began reading through the book.

"Yes we will." Billy agreed.

(Luna and Seth's date)

Luna hummed as she waited for Seth to arrive. She sat on the front step. It wasn't long for the shifter to arrive. He was dressed in a dark purple dress shirt and black slacks. He complimented the light purple dress Luna wore. He was also carrying a bouquet of blue and purple lilies. He blushed as he handed it over.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome." He said.

"Let me just go put these into water." She said.


She quickly went inside. She smiled when she saw a vase filled with water waiting for her in the kitchen. She quickly put them into the water. Luna then returned to Seth.

"Ready?" He asked.

"I am. I can't wait to see the Rose Garden Café." She said.

"I hope you like it." He was happy he had read that book Harry had given him.


They got inside the car. Leah drove them to the café. It gave her time to observe the girl. Too bad Luna was truly a unique person. It took a long time to begin to even understand her. Leah was very confused by the time she dropped them off. Luna liked Leah though.

"Hello Seth." One of the waiters greeted.

"Hey John." He greeted back. "This is my date, Luna."

"Nice to meet you Luna." He said as he shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you as well." She said.

"Your table is this way." He said.

"Thanks man." Seth said.

John took them to a table and handed them menus. He took their drink order and left. Luna examined the area. She loved the different roses she saw. She also was happy to see a few flower fairies hanging around out of sight.

"So what do you think?" Seth asked.

"I love it." She giggled.

"Good." He breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Why were you worried?" She asked.

"You're different from most girls I know and I wasn't sure you would like the place. A girl in my class complained about it and many of my male friends said they regretted bringing their dates here." He admitted.

"Why?" She was generally shocked.

"It's not fancy enough for them." He answered.

"People shock me." She said.

"Me too. I love this place." He said.

"Well then we simply have to visit whenever we have time." She said.

"Good." He grinned at her.

The rest of the time the two talked. She told him about her parents, how her classmates treated her. She soon came to her first meeting Harry.

"Many people think I met Harry in his fifth year and my fourth. Truth is I met him my first year and his second year." She said.

"Why don't people know that?" He asked in confusion.

"Assumptions based on what they see. They didn't see us talking before that." She said.


"Anyway Harry had been walking back from one of his detentions with that fraud when he found me, crying. My classmates stole my things and at first I didn't care until I noticed my locket was missing. It used to be my mum's. I couldn't find it anywhere." She said. "He asked me what was wrong and I told him. He escorted me back to the dorm. Next morning professor Flitwick handed me a locket and one of my classmates was put into detention."

"Harry went to him?" He asked.

"I believe so. He's never confirmed it. He just hums whenever I bring it up before changing the subject or handing me food." She said in amusement.


"After that if my stuff was stolen I could just mention it to him and it would later be returned." Luna told him.

"That's nice of him." He said.

"He's a nice person." She agreed.

After that the conversation was about Seth. He mentioned his dad and how sad he was that he died. How close he was with his sister and mother. How Sam never treated him like he was a baby. He even talked about how he felt about the Cullens. She was surprised but pleased that he didn't automatically hate them just because they were vampires. When she went back to Harry's house she had a big smile on her face. She excitedly told Harry about her date. He was happy for her.

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