Wedding Day

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.





It was finally time for the wedding. Alice and Rose were helping him get ready. He was very nervous. He had no idea why. He was already mated to Jasper. That bonded the two together in a way marriage couldn't and yet he was nervous.

"Are you okay Harry?" Alice asked.

"Yeah. Just nervous for some reason." He answered.

"So were we on our first wedding day." Rose admitted.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes really. It is just nerve wrecking standing in front of those we love and care about and professing our love to our mates." She said.

"It's not just that though." He admitted.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Everything has been going so well that I'm scared the other shoe is going to drop." He answered.

"Don't worry. There are so many people here that will stop anything and anyone trying to destroy your big day." Alice assured him.

"That's right." Rose agreed.

That made the elf smile. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." The two said.

Knock Knock.

"Come in dad." Sirius entered the room.

"Hello pup. Do you two mind giving us some privacy?" He asked the two female vampires.

"Sure." The two said before leaving.

"Thanks." He turned and looked at his son. "Wow pup. You look gorgeous."

Since he was submissive he wore white. Instead of a dress he wore a white suite with dark blue accents.

"Thanks." He blushed.

"You're welcome. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Excited but nervous." He answered.

"I bet. I felt the same way. Your mum and dad had too." He said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes really. I believe those feelings are normal for anyone getting married." He assured Harry.

"Good." He said.

"Once you are in front of each other that feeling should leave you." He said.

"Okay." He smiled at that.

"Before your parents went into hiding your dad came to me. He wanted me to give you something on your wedding day just in case he wasn't alive to do so." He said as he handed over a wrapped box.

"He did?" Harry teared up.

"He did."

Harry carefully unwrapped the box. He opened the lid and gasped and what was revealed. Inside was a gold pocket watch. Engraved on one side was the Potter crest. He removed it and found that engraved on the other side was a message from his dad. It read; I love you Prongslet.

"Wow." He gasped.

"Your parents loved you very much and would be so happy to see you now." Sirius told him tearfully.

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