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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight.
AN: Sexual Scene Warning in this chapter.





(With Harry and Jasper)

It was decided the two would take the Cullen's private jet to Hawaii. Harry had never been on one and Jasper wanted him to experience it. The two left the café and took a port-key back home. They quickly grabbed their bags. They took a car to the airport. Alexander was there waiting for them.

"Are you two ready?" Alex asked them.

"I am." Harry said.

"Me too." Jasper said.

"Good. Let's go then. I'll apply the spells once we land." He said.


The three boarded the plane. They took their seats. In an effort to give them privacy Alex sat on one side of the jet near the front. Harry and Jasper sat on the other side towards the back. They buckled in and soon the jet took off.

"I can't wait." Harry said. "This will be my first time going on vacation and going to a beach."


Jasper and Alex reigned in their anger. They both hated hearing how Harry grew up. Alex just wished that he had known his grandson had been alive. Harry would have grown up in a loving environment. It was too late to change that now. Instead they were focusing on making the elfling happy and loved.

"I've never been to Hawaii either." Jasper said.

"It will be odd to not see you sparkle in the sun." Harry said.

"It will be odd being around others when the sun is out." He admitted.

"I bet." He giggled.

"Did you tell your parents about the plan?" He asked, causing Alex to look over at them.

"Which one?" He asked as he subtly gestured towards his grandfather.

"The plan about the greenhouse." The vampire answered.

"Yeah. They thought it was a great idea. Neville asked if he could come work with me." He admitted.

"That's good. Do they have a college for herbologists?" He asked.

"No. For our chosen career we find masters in that field and become their apprentice." Harry explained. "Once the master feels their apprentice is ready they send them to the ministry to take a test given to them from both a ministry official and a member from the guild of that mastery. If they pass they become a master in that field. I really hope I explained that correctly and well."

"Yes." He said.

"Good. I was confusing myself." He admitted.

"Ah. Well I understood what you were saying." He assured his mate.

"Good." He smiled.

The rest of the trip they talked about siblings. Jasper was excited that he was soon going to be an older brother. When they landed Alex applied the spell. When Jasper stepped out into the sun he didn't sparkle once. The trio went to the hotel. Jasper and Harry shared a room and Alexander had his own. Once they were unpacked Jasper took Harry to one of the beaches near the hotel. Alex went off on his own.

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