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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





It had been a long three days for the Potter-Lupin-Weasley-Black family. All waited for the potion that Severus was making. They all wanted Arthur to be better again. The illegal potion had to be removed quickly because it was causing Arthur to become sick. Arthur couldn't hide that he was sick any longer. He had been hiding it so that he didn't cause worry.

Harry laid curled up on Arthur's bed and snuggled into his side and had refused to leave for school. He was there for when he puked and when he became too sick to walk. Harry even fed him when he couldn't find the strength to do it himself.

The rest of the family paced outside his door for the first two days and now that sat in the living room staring at the fireplace. They all jumped up when the fire flared and Poppy came out with a medical bag. Next Severus came out with a bag of his own and the family led the way to Arthur's room.

Their hearts stilled when they saw the condition that Arthur. He was very grey with dark circles under his eyes. He was as thin as Harry used to be and his hair looked very dull. At the moment he was puking into a garbage can with Harry rubbing his back.

Harry was crying silently. He saw the two and mouthed, 'He is puking up blood now.'

That made them spring into action. "Harry, I need you to move so that we have more access to Arthur." Severus told Harry gently.

Harry nodded and got off the bed. He ran into his father's arms who wrapped his arms tightly around him. Poppy and Severus shut the door and began to work. Every hour they were in there the family grew more and more worried.

Finally the door opened and Poppy walked out. Harry noticed the beaming smile and launched himself into Poppy's arms.

"Thank you grandma." He said.

"You're welcome my darling grandson." She kissed his cheek.

Harry ran inside and hugged a very shocked Severus. "Thank you professor. Thank you."

Severus hugged him back. "You are welcome Harry. He is sleeping right now. Make sure that he only has liquids for a while since he won't be able to stomach much else right now."


"I am also leaving behind some nutrients and vitamin potions. Make sure that he takes those twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night." He said.

"Okay." He nodded.

Severus went to leave but he turned back to Harry. "If you ever need to talk, Harry just floo to my office. I know what it's like to be abused so I understand what you have gone through."

"Thank you professor." Harry said as he looked at Severus in a new light. "Are you busy?"

"No." He now had a teaching assistant and now that he saved Arthur he was free for the moment.

"Would you like to see my garden?" The elf asked.

"Sure." With that Harry and Severus left the room.

Sirius stopped them before they could go any further. "Snape, thank you for your help with Arthur. Also I wanted to apologize. Even though there is no way that I could ever make up for what I did, I want to say sorry for almost killing you."

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