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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





Harry was hoping Arthur would not hate him for what his uncle did. He loved Arthur and did not want to be hated by him. He was in the garden trying to focus, but he was afraid to leave and see if Arthur hated him. He was also worrying about Sirius' cousins and their friends coming over tonight. He had already started dinner and dessert. Harry shook his head and went back to gardening.

Arthur had found Bill in the living room reading a book about Egyptian tombs.

"Bill?" His son looked up from his book.

"Yes dad?"

"Do you know why Harry had flinched when I hugged him?" He asked.

"He was abused mentally, physically, and sexually abused." He answered.

"Oh Merlin, please tell me you paid them back." Arthur begged.

Bill smirked causing his dad to wonder what he did. "Well..."

{Sirius, Remus, and I went back to number four Privet drive after the twins left the room. Sirius knocked on the door.

"What do you freaks want now?" Petunia Dursley asked. "You have the boy now leave."

Sirius pointed his wand at her. She paled and backed up. We walked in and went into the living room where the two wales were.

"GET OUT YOU FREAKS!" Vernon bellowed at us.

Remus sneered "No. We came to pay you back for the abuse on our godson."

The Dursleys paled. Remus cast a binding spell. All three Dursleys were scared knowing that they were doomed.

Sirius took Vernon, Remus took Petunia, and I took Dudley. Sirius cast three spells on Vernon. Remus cast one spell on Petunia and I cast two spells.

"Vernon Dursley, all food you eat will be awful and you will get sick. If you say or even think the word freak it will show up on you and it will be very painful. Lastly you will never have sex or you will feel Harry's pain and your pathetic dick will shrivel off." His smirk was cold.

Sirius and I could tell that Mooney was close to the surface.

"Petunia you will always feel Harry's pain no matter what you do or take to get rid of it. Oh and the pain you feel will be all of it whether you caused it or not." He smirked evilly at her.

Dudley was pale and you could tell he was in pain from what I had cast.

"You will forever feel the pain you caused Harry and if you ever bullied anyone else you will feel the pain of your victim." I cast two more spells.

"Oh and all three of you will be claustrophobic and afraid of people. Bye-bye now." We left after that.}


"Good they deserve it all."

Arthur was very proud of his son and his son in-laws. He left to go find Harry to reassure that he still loved him and nothing was going to change that.

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