Blocking Emotions

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Twilight.





Harry walked through the front door and Percy saw that Harry was using magic to keep himself from freaking out. He had seen Harry do this when he was picked as the fourth Hogwarts champion. Thankfully the Cullens had to go hunt since they hadn't fed since Harry was taken to the hospital.

Percy waited until Harry was alone to talk to him about it. Harry went into his room to take a nap and Percy followed him. Harry turned around when he heard his door open and close again.

"Percy?" Harry looked at him in confusion.

"Harry why are you using magic to stop yourself from freaking out?" Percy asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." The elf immediately denied.

"Yes you do." He said, refusing to back down.

They had a staring contest before Harry looked away. Percy walked up to Harry and hugged him. Harry hugged him back, burying his head into the older male's chest.

"I don't want Jasper to leave me." Percy's heart broke when he heard that.

"Oh, Harry. I think that Jasper will understand." The teen didn't say anything. "Harry reverse your magic."

Harry nodded and reversed the magic that kept him from freaking out and immediately started. He cried into Percy's chest. The redhead put up a silencer and started to comfort his little brother. He led Harry over to his bed and laid down. He transfigured Harry's clothes into pajamas. Harry fell asleep crying. He tucked both himself and Harry into bed.

Percy knew how hard it would be for him to talk to Jasper and be near him now that magic wasn't stopping Harry from panicking, but it was for the best. It would help Harry recover if he actually felt the way he was supposed to and not magically happy and fine.

Charlie walked upstairs to Harry's room. He, like Percy, noticed the magic and went to check on Harry. He opened the door and saw that Percy had gotten to their baby brother first and helped him out.

"How is he doing?" Charlie asked in a whisper.

"Better. I convinced him to reverse the magic that he placed on himself." Percy said quietly.

"That's good. It is the only way he is going to heal. Why did he do it though?" He asked.

"He didn't want Jasper to leave him." He answered, causing Charlie to look at Harry with sad eyes.

"Poor Harry. I really want to kill everyone who has ever hurt him and made him think that if he doesn't act a certain way then the people he loves will leave him." He admitted.

"We are in the same boat Charlie." He said.

"I am going downstairs so take care of him." He said.

"I will. He is after all our baby brother." Percy said.

Charlie nodded and then headed downstairs leaving Harry and Percy in the bedroom. He warded the door so that no one could get in, leaving Harry to rest in peace and silence for a little while.

(Cullen residents)

The family came home after hunting. They all went their separate ways except Jasper who followed Carlisle into his study.

"Carlisle, may I speak to you?" Jasper asked.

"Of course."

"It's just Harry seemed way too fine after what had happened. First the letter and then the beating. I know that something isn't right. I can't even feel his emotions." He told Carlisle.

"That does sound strange. Next time you see Harry ask him about it. Let him spend time with his family for a few days then go and see him." Carlisle said.


Jasper got up and left. Carlisle hoped that everything would be alright with his son. Jasper went to his room and picked up the blue poppy that Harry had given him. He took a deep breath, inhaling the flower's scent. He then laid down on his bed hoping that Harry would tell him what was wrong.

(Black residence)

Charlie decided that he would make dinner for his family. Since he lived on the dragon reserve he taught himself how to cook. While it wasn't as good as Harry's, it was still nice.

He went into the kitchen and started while everyone else did their own things. The twins were out shopping for a place to start up their prank shop. Remus was in the library reading with Sirius taking a nap on his lap. Bill was outside watering Harry's plants and Arthur was on the phone with his boyfriend.

Harry woke up just as Charlie had finished dinner. He lifted his head and noticed that Percy had fallen asleep. He gently shook him awake.

"What?" Percy asked sleepily.

"GUYS DINNER!" Charlie screamed.

"Oh." He said and got out of the bed.

Harry also got out of bed when he noticed that he was in pajamas. He looked at Percy in confusion.

"How did I get into Pajamas?" He asked.

"I transfigured your clothes." Percy answered.

"Oh." Harry changed the pajamas back to the way they were.

They both went downstairs and into the kitchen. Harry looked around and when he saw that the kitchen was still clean and nothing was burned he led Percy into the dining room.

"Thank you for not ruining my kitchen Charlie." Harry said.

"You're welcome baby brother." He smiled at him.

They sat down and they all ate. The twins and Bill gave Charlie a look of surprise.

"This is actually good." The three said in surprise.

Charlie gave them a hurt look and Harry glared at the three. He shot a stinging hex at them.

"Don't be mean to Charlie. At least he can cook and not ruin my kitchen." Harry scowled.

"Sorry Harry, sorry Charlie." The three said, realizing they hurt Charlie's feelings.

"That is better."

They ate silently throughout the rest of the meal. When they were done Harry went out to the garden to take care of his plants. Thankfully Bill took care of his garden when he was in the hospital.

The twins went to their prank lab and Bill, Remus, and Sirius went to the bedroom. Charlie and Percy followed Harry to the garden and Arthur went to his muggle room. When Charlie and Percy saw the garden they looked around in amazement.

"Wow, this is so beautiful." Charlie said breathlessly.

"It is amazingly gorgeous." Percy said.

"Thank you. If you want, you may explore my garden." He said.

"Thank you Harry and we will." Percy said.

"We definitely will."

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