The Switch

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Disclaimer: I don't own HP or Twilight





(Weasley-Lupin-Black-Potter House)

Fred had come back from his date really happy. The next morning he decided to stay home and work on some products. He was feeling really inspired. George decided to go see if he could bump into Bella. He really liked her and hoped he could get to know her more. Arthur was taking a nap. He was still adjusting to not having the love potions in his system and his body was healing from the aftermath. Sirius and Remus were out shopping. The two wanted to get the nursery done. Bill was in the library reading a book on male pregnancies. Harry was in his garden with Rose.

She loved being able to hang out with him and she was using his garden as inspiration for a few clothes she was making. Bill, Sirius, and Remus had told her she could babysit once in a while and she was excited. Now she was making the baby some clothes. She just was sketching for the moment until she learned the baby's gender. Once she did then Rose would make them.

"Thanks for letting me come over." She said.

"Of course. You are family." He told her.

That made her grin widely. Ever since she met the elf her family had been stronger than ever. First he made Jasper smile, then he helped them when he learned that there was a way to make food catered towards vampires and even got the location of restaurants that catered to them, he was having potions made that would allow them to get pregnant, and finally by getting them jewelry that had glamours on them to make them look like they are getting older. He was a miracle to her family.

"That's right." Rose said. "How is everything going?"

"Good and bad." He admitted. "They found out that Dumbledore did indeed escape. The guard that helped was one of his sex slaves." He still went green at that. "So far both the minister and Dumbledore are still out there. They haven't found my uncle yet and they believe he is either dead or being protected by magic since the tracking charms stopped working. Severus is almost done with the pregnancy potion and has been a huge help to me. I am also excited to be a big brother." He told her.

"Those men won't get to you." She promised. [I'll kill them if they try.]

"I don't see how. Not only do I have a bunch of protective family members but I also have the American and British aurors around guarding me, a coven of protective vampires, and a pack of protective wolf shifters." He smiled.

"That is true. So did Severus say when the potion is done? Esme can't wait." Neither could she but she had to wait until after she graduated from both high school and college.

"He said it will be done in a week." He told her.

"That's great." She smiled.

"Yup." He smiled back at her.

"We are going to be amazing older siblings." Rose told him.

"Yes we will." He agreed.

Knock Knock

"I'll get it." She said.

"Okay." Harry was amused that she wasn't going to let him open the door just in case. [She knows about the wards and yet she still can't help herself.]

He felt lucky to have so many people care about him. He remembered a time when he was all alone. Now he practically had a village around him. He loved it. The green eyed elf smiled as he continued tending to his plants.

"Hello Harry." It was his grandfather.

"Hi grandpa." He was quick to hug the man. "What did they say?" He asked.

"They have come up with a plan." He told them.

"I'll call the others." Harry said.

"I'll call my family." Rose said.


The two called their family in. Harry also called the wolves. It didn't take them long to arrive. They were now scattered about the living room. Harry was sitting on his mate's lap. Sirius and Remus were on either side of him. Bill was next to Sirius and Rose was standing behind Jasper and Harry. They were looking at Alexander.

"As you know I went to my kings about the vision. They weren't happy. He did identify the collar. It would indeed work on Harry since it was made to enslave elves. If it were put on a non elf it wouldn't work." He told them. "King Terra came up with a plan. Harry will come to the forest and Aquilo will take his place. He is a shapeshifter that can change into anyone. He would not only look, sound, and act like Harry but he would have the same magical signature while he is in that form."

"Since he's not an elf the collar won't work." Harry said.

"Exactly. Once he is with them he will call his mate and the aurors. Jade is very skilled in warding so she will be able to stop them from leaving and from using magic." He told them.

"Thank you." Harry leaped off Jasper's lap and hugged the man.

"You're welcome." He hugged his grandson back.

"When will Aquilo arrive?" Sirius asked.

"Soon. Harry, I want you to pack a few weeks worth of clothes." He said.

"Okay." He went upstairs and Jasper followed.

"So we have to just wait around for them to act?" Remus wasn't too happy.

"Unfortunately, yes. Since Fudge and Dumbledore are hiding somewhere no one can find that is our only option. I wish there was another way as well." He said.

"As long as my son stays safe I guess." He said.

"Just remember that outside of this house to treat Aquilo like he is Harry. I know that Jasper will have a hard time but he must act that way. It would look suspicious if Jasper disappears or treats Harry any differently. Luckily the most Harry and Jasper did in public was hug, hold hands, and a few kisses on the cheek so it shouldn't be too bad." Alexander said.

"He can do it." Carlisle said. "He would do a lot to keep his mate safe."


(With Harry and Jasper)

Harry began packing a bag. Jasper sat down on the bed and waited. He didn't like the plan since it took Harry away from him and he had to pretend Aquilo was his mate. He understood why though. He didn't like it but he would do it for Harry's sake.

"Jazz?" His beautiful mate sat down next to him.

"Yes darlin'?" He looked at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No." He wasn't going to lie to him.

"I'm sorry." He looked down at his lap guiltily.

"Hey." He made Harry look at him. "None of this is your fault. You never asked for this."

"I know but it just feels like it." He admitted.

"It's not though. I'll miss you." He said.

"I'll miss you as well." The elf kissed his cheek.

"Come on. Soon you'll be back." Jasper said.

"I hope so." He muttered.

"You will."

The two back downstairs. Harry said his goodbye. Aquilo arrived and turned into Harry. Alexander took his grandson and left. Soon everyone went home. Aquilo was given a spare bedroom. It was quiet for the rest of the day.

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