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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.





(Twins Room)

Harry was still asleep in the twins room the next morning. The twins had finally decided to make muggle pranks and sell them to muggles and set up a wizarding prank shop in the nearest wizarding area. They were discussing where and how they were going to set up their new stores.

"I think we should set it up in Port Angela, Gred." George suggested.

"That's a good idea, Forge. We have enough money to set up two stores. One in the muggle world and one in the wizarding world." He agreed.

"Love it." He smiled.

"Shhh. You're too loud." Harry threw pillows at them.


They grabbed the pillows thrown at them then pounced on the bed. They started a pillow fight that left the room and downstairs where Bill and Sirius were. Harry hit Sirius with a pillow and the twins hit Bill.

"Why you." Was all Sirius said before grabbing a couch pillow and joining in.

Bill glared darkly at the twins causing them to gulp and back away. Bill also grabbed a couch pillow and joined in. They continued to do so until Harry had gotten an idea. He glowed a light green as he was using a lot of power and four vines slowly wrapped around their ankles lifting them up.

"Hey!" They all screamed causing Harry to giggle.

"He he, now you are all my prisoners." He said evilly.

"Get us down brat. NOW!" Sirius demanded. Harry looked like he was thinking about it.

"Nope." He said as he shook his head. Suddenly he smirked causing the others to blanch. "REMY, GRANDPA, CAN YOU COME IN HERE PLEASE?" He cast a silencing charm on them.

Remus and Arthur came into the living room only to bend over laughing. Remus stood and the others could see tears coursing down his cheeks.

"Yes, Harry?" He asked.

"I have to change since Jasper is coming over, but I need you both to watch my prisoners." He smiled at the werewolf.

"Of course cub. I will take Bill and Sirius and Arthur, you can take Fred and George." He chuckled.


Harry let them down, but made sure that they were stunned before leaving the room giggling. Remus dragged his husbands upstairs and Arthur dragged the twins outside. Before leaving the room, Arthur made the room clean itself and the twin's pillows were put back in their room.

(Harry's room)

Harry was glad that at home he didn't have to wear a glamour. His hair was tied up into a high ponytail and was tied with a silver ribbon and he put in diamond stud earrings. Harry was dressed in a tight silver button up shirt, tight black jeans, and silver dragon hide boots. Harry went into the bathroom to examine himself. He thought he looked okay so he went down stairs just as the doorbell rang.

He answered the door only to freeze. Jasper is in a tight black muscle shirt. His jeans are also tight. Harry's mouth went dry and he was aroused. Jasper was also affected by Harry's appearance. He could see every muscle on Harry's chest and legs. Jasper felt Harry's arousal and that increased his own. Jasper swallowed a ton of venom before speaking.

"You look very beautiful Harry." The vampire complimented.

"T-thank you." Harry was surprised that not all the blood had gone south as he blushed. "You look handsome too."

"Thank you."

"Um, please come in." He moved out of the way and Jasper walked in.

"You look much cuter with your elf ears out." Jasper said when he passed Harry, causing him to blush even more. He thought that his mate was very cute when he blushed.

Harry led the way out into his garden. Even though there was barely any sun, the plants grew and bloomed beautifully. Jasper was amazed. His gold eyes widened when he noticed Harry glowed light green for a second, before more of the flowers bloomed and more began to grow.


"What?" Harry asked, wondering why Jasper was looking at him wide-eyed.

"You glowed light green and the flowers began to grow and bloom." He informed him.

"Oh. That is how my family and I found out what my powers were. I'm an earth elf, and if earth elves are around nature or plants, then they start to grow and bloom. I didn't know that I glowed though." It was a good thing he was careful outside his home.

Jasper just nodded causing Harry to giggle knowing that Jasper was stunned. The blonde noticed and playfully glared at him. Harry noticing the glare, stuck out his tongue. Jasper shook his head.

A brown owl flew down and rested on Harry's shoulder holding out one of his legs. Harry took the letter and the owl flew off. Harry opened the letter and read it. He paled as he read it. The letter fell to the ground as the elf began to shake. Harry fell to his knees, crying. Jasper also dropped to his knees, putting his arms around Harry, sending him calming feelings. Harry's head landed on Jasper's shoulder, falling asleep. Jasper picked him up bridal style, he also picked up the letter, and carried Harry inside.

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