New Home

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.





All was normal in the Cullen household. Rosalie was watching her husband, Emmett, play video games. Jasper was in his room reading. Esme was in her kitchen cleaning. Her husband, Carlisle, was in his study doing paperwork. Edward was playing piano and his wife, Alice, was organizing more shopping trips in the living room. She let out a gasp when a vision hit her. Everyone stopped what they were doing and surrounded her.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asked calmly.

"I don't know. I see four people moving in. Some of it is black though. Sometimes there are two black spots in separate places or one big black spot. How frustrating." She said.

"Who cares." Rosalie said. Everyone ignored her.

Alice was trying to figure out why she was seeing these black spots. She gasped when she figured it out. The rest of the Cullens surrounded her again.

"Carlisle I think I know why I am seeing these black spots. It might be a person or two people and they are probably werewolves or they are shapeshifters." If they weren't human or vampire she couldn't see them.

"We will check them out when they get here." Carlisle said. "When are they going to arrive Alice?"

"Tomorrow." Carlisle nodded.

"We should kill them not check them out." Rosalie said.

"Rose, they could be different just like us. They might not be a threat to us or anyone in town." Alice said.

"Whatever." The blonde turned back to her husband. [We should just kill them if they are mutts.]

After a few hours Edward was getting sick of these thoughts and Jasper was getting sick of Rosalie's emotions. Carlisle had gotten called back to the hospital the rest were hunting. Rosalie was pissed she was being ignored.

[This is so stupid to let them live. We should kill them.] She thought as she went to the garage.

[Doesn't she ever shut up?] Edward thought. [Why do I have to be the one who reads minds? Why, why why?]

The Cullens were on edge for the rest of the day. They were wondering what was going to happen. Jasper was going over strategies just in case something happened. Alice was upset about being blind when it came to those two people. She was certain that the black spots were two people. She knew that three of them were redheads and two of the three were twins. The fourth person had black hair. She wished that she could see the other two.

(With Harry and Lupin)

Harry walked upstairs with Remus. He was the only one who had healer experience. They walked into Harry's room. He wanted to give his cub some privacy and he knew he felt comfortable in the bedroom. It was a safe place to him.

"Strip down to your underwear and lay on your back." Harry did although he was nervous and scared.

When he stripped there was no mark. Remus went through a list of reasons as to why that would happen. Seeing the shimmer around his cub made him come to a conclusion.

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